- DIY Heated Mat for Your Aquatic Turtles
- Incredible Idea From Old Mobile Charger
- A TTiny Curr8nt Moni5or
- Play Tug of War Game With Your Mind Using EEG
- Freezer Door Alarm System Using MQTT and ESP8266
- Use NFC Reader to Get IoT Sensor Data, Change Configuration, Upgrade Firmware, Upload Sensor Data to ThingsBoard, NFC Tag, STM32L4, BG95
- Smart Energy Saver
- Controlling Video Games Using Muscle Signals (EMG)
- ESP32-C3 SHT40 Weather Server
- Vision AI: Rock-Paper-Scissors on ESP32 CYD
- LED Distance Indicator Using Ultrasonic Sensor
- Acoustic Positioning System
- AI Oximeter
- Recording ECG Signals Using Heart BioAmp Candy
- MicroWave Radar Motion Sensor(RCWL-0516)
- Exercise Monitoring Using Wearable Muscle Sensor (EMG)
- DIY Smart Energy Meter With ESP32 + Home Assistant
- Calibration of Flowmeters
- Smart IoT Sensor Built With XIAO ESP32C6: WiFi, MQTT, BME280/BME680 Integration & Power Management
- TEMPERATURE SENSORs - Which Sensor Is the Most Accurate
- LD2410C Radar Sensor Module
- Sound Up! (an Audio Responsive Circuit)
- Tilt 'n' Turbo: a High-Speed Car Racing Game on the UNIHIKER Board
- Sound Sensing Instructables Robot
- DIY Breath Analyzer With the MQ3
- Medium Distance Measurement With Homemade Linear Resistor
- Heartrate on OLED Display in Real Time
- RTK GNSS / GPS Backpack for €100, With 10cm Accuracy
- A Smartphone Attached Spectrometer ! Education With Colors of the Rainbow
- AQI Buddy - Portable Air Quality Monitor
- Visualizing 2 Channel EMG on LCD Display Module
- Scroll YouTube Shorts Using 2 Channel EMG Signals
- KY-036 Metal Touch Sensor Module
- 7 in 1 Soil Monitor
- Distance Sensor Arduino Piano
- 12-channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Module by EVO - Complete Guide (Images, Details, Specifications, Connection Diagram, Codes)
- Controlling Video Game Using Brainwaves (EEG)
- Invisible Tape Measure With UWB Modules
- 6-channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Module by EVO - Complete Guide (Images, Details, Specifications, Connection Diagram, Codes)
- Puntentellende Schietschijf
- Extension of Engine Oil Life in the Rural Genset Operation Through Automatic Oil Change.
- Automatic Fan Controller Based on Temperature With UA741 IC
- Micro Bit Fan Alert
- Detecting UP and DOWN Movements of Eyes Using EOG
- Mimicking the Motion of Flex Senser With a Servo
- Flux Gate Magnetometer Experiments
- End-of-stroke Design
- A Personal, Wireless ESP32 Arduino/Raspberry Pi Database
- GROW, the Opensource Soil Meter Project
- New and Improved Mouse Trap
- Light Detector
- Controlling Prosthetic Hand (cardboard Version) Using EMG Sensor
- Sunlight Controlled Solar Dump Water Heater
- Toilet Occupancy Notifier Built Based on ESP32 and Home Assistant
- Pocket Temp Meter
- Record Muscle Signals (EMG) Using Muscle BioAmp Blip
- Loop Calibrator ( 0 to 20 MA / 4 to 20 MA) Using Mosfet IRF840. Constant Current Source
- Pellet Level Monitor for Home Assistant With HC-SR04 and ESP8266