Simple Compact Slit Camera

here is my cut and shut camera,it has a slit shutter,and will accept any m42 mount lens,uses 35mm film ,as its wound on, something has to move to get a picture either the subject or the camera.this took a little over a day to make.and wieghs just under 12oz without lens or film.this is a cross between a fed5 (body)a zenit e (42 lensmount)and a spinner dolphin 360(shutter concept)i did consider going for the full 360 functionality but that would increase the materials list, this camera would be easy enough to make again,and to have the ability to make super panoramas with any lens i like on an object that looks the part would be awesome, as it is i guesstimate that it can do 210 degrees on about 60mm of film.(hold the lever and turn the camera)
materials used
a fed 5
part of a zenit e
high strength epoxy
high speed epoxy
contact adhesive
matt black enamel paint
tools used
jewelers drivers
flat driver
sur clip pliers
dremel with composite cutting wheele
angle grinder
hack saw
finishing and fine wet and dry paper
tin snips
center punch
2mm bit
permanent pen
reference camera
small vice
kwik clamps 7 inch
materials used
a fed 5
part of a zenit e
high strength epoxy
high speed epoxy
contact adhesive
matt black enamel paint
tools used
jewelers drivers
flat driver
sur clip pliers
dremel with composite cutting wheele
angle grinder
hack saw
finishing and fine wet and dry paper
tin snips
center punch
2mm bit
permanent pen
reference camera
small vice
kwik clamps 7 inch
Make It Less

the initial remove the knobs and stuff.


well half of it ,the arm and the 2nd prism are missing. the prism that is there has had it. unscrew the cam lever visible through the lens mount to release rf assembly
Speed Selector

the speed selector can be tricky to disassemble,
A. A3 grub screws and then unscrew
B. then unhook the spring.
C. remove the screw that goes through the spindle. then the brass piece will lift off.
D. remove the selftimer lever reverse thread screw.
E. 4 screws in the front and 2 on the top hold the shutter box,the rest comes apart easily.
F. the only gear needed to remain in is the spindle that stablises the film sprocket thingy. its secured withe a leaf spring which i replaced with a circlip
A. A3 grub screws and then unscrew
B. then unhook the spring.
C. remove the screw that goes through the spindle. then the brass piece will lift off.
D. remove the selftimer lever reverse thread screw.
E. 4 screws in the front and 2 on the top hold the shutter box,the rest comes apart easily.
F. the only gear needed to remain in is the spindle that stablises the film sprocket thingy. its secured withe a leaf spring which i replaced with a circlip


remove vinyl leatherette(reusable) and cut the main body parts ,(leave the film cover till the body is reassembled)
i used a hacksaw then a file to get it all to fit snug.
then i filed the front of the zenit camera (a leftover from the uv zenit pinhole project) to fit nice and at the correct height i used another camera for comparison (i have to get the hight right now because i cant fit my ruler through the slit once assembled .
the slit is under a mm and needs to be as even as possible, the front of the camera needs a bigger slit to allow for lens misalignment.
i used a hacksaw then a file to get it all to fit snug.
then i filed the front of the zenit camera (a leftover from the uv zenit pinhole project) to fit nice and at the correct height i used another camera for comparison (i have to get the hight right now because i cant fit my ruler through the slit once assembled .
the slit is under a mm and needs to be as even as possible, the front of the camera needs a bigger slit to allow for lens misalignment.
Clamping Is Crucial

little quick clamps really come in handy here. here is the last chance to un wonk anything wonkee

really good glue , but read the small print it has to be at temperature exactly hot to be hardcore. i ruffed up the to be glued surfaces and took paint off where nesssasssarrry . i mix the glue apply it. then heat the metal so its painfull to the touch. as it gets hot the glue becoms runny so think ahead when applying it. i reheat the metal 3 or 4 times during glue drying more carefully toward the end as it can bubble burn and scorch which is bad news for glueiness
Film Cover

strip it of its base fittings and leatherette
cut it and file it. try not to have all the cuts in the same place stagger them i think it helps,.use the assembled body to act as a guide template .
cut it and file it. try not to have all the cuts in the same place stagger them i think it helps,.use the assembled body to act as a guide template .
Decorative Base Plate Gets a Definate Function.

its a tall ask to get the glue to hold such a small surface of a part that is subjected to a fair amount of handling. by cutting the base plate as differently as possible to create a large overlap gives the glue something to hold onto.
Lots of Clamping Required During the Final Structial Gluing Phase

keep an eye on it. mine tried to shift once set the door catches can go back on.
Blocking Holes

i used basic quick dry epoxy for this
Tidy Top

i cut down the original top cover to fit.drilled new holes for the screws. a piece of scrap (orange metal)was used above the lens mount, and part of a torch was used to make the winder took better.
Blacking Out Behind the Lens

Re Skining.

putting the original vinyl back on. light bulb makes in flexible.
Insert Own Pun

i used felt to push the film toward the slit and it also helps with light fast ness
Finally the Test Roll

i used really naff 200 neg film,
a zenitar fisheye lens
and the indestar
on a couple of shots i actually remembered to focus the lens!
the aperture were quite open , the exposure was several stops too much. .
should really clean and grease the wind mechanism , and i should attempt to blackout the inside edges of the slit.
a zenitar fisheye lens
and the indestar
on a couple of shots i actually remembered to focus the lens!
the aperture were quite open , the exposure was several stops too much. .
should really clean and grease the wind mechanism , and i should attempt to blackout the inside edges of the slit.
400 Fuji From Sainsburys