Pin Uv Cam With Meter

mechanical cannibal shoots invisible uv onto film, bases on a compactified slr .this puppy will tell you how long to stay on that shutter.never need anew battery . it can also turn ice cubes into gold.
a list of stuff
uv filter screwdrivers hacksaw spraypaint (ford miami blue met) vice brush hammer files a pin fine sandpaper flatbed scanner scalpel biro umberella pliers superglue reamer drills contact adhesive sticker maker biscuits box of stuff epoxy a tie dremmel bodyfiller chocolate camera tobacco tins blowtorch pin drinks can coffee forceps grease degreaser enamel paint marker pen and an ice cube gold converter if you can source one.
a list of stuff
uv filter screwdrivers hacksaw spraypaint (ford miami blue met) vice brush hammer files a pin fine sandpaper flatbed scanner scalpel biro umberella pliers superglue reamer drills contact adhesive sticker maker biscuits box of stuff epoxy a tie dremmel bodyfiller chocolate camera tobacco tins blowtorch pin drinks can coffee forceps grease degreaser enamel paint marker pen and an ice cube gold converter if you can source one.
Time Lapse Teardown

for the basic teardown (first few steps of this instructable) i used time lapse photo, this step is getting the lid off.
Time Lapse Teardown

mirror prism shutter and selftimer out
Time Lapse Teardown

removing the shutter from the base plate so it can be put back in to stabalise the fiml transport system

taking some mesurments for future reference ,(plans for another camera in the making.

working out exposure ,well thinking about it, then making it correlate with the lightmeter . i will get back to this
Inital Value Guess

i guess it will be around here ,somewhere.
Focal Length Reduction

newdisks from the bay.
Uv Filter Mount

check out my uv lamp! putting cutting fluid on your drill makes them work better.
The Lid Needs Adjusting So All the Fitted Parts Have to Come Off.

little containers come in handy to keep bits in some sort of order.
Chopperdy Chop Chop

the metals quite flexible and springy but dont push yur luck. you get one bend if you try to reverse it will probably fall off
Phil Mc Crevis

the screw is a necessary evil.
Bouncy Shutter

just keep rummaging until something fits. biro spring
Light Proof Bit Between the Film and the Hole

tobacco tin origami , super glue then bodyfiller .
Shutter Filter Mount Combo.

epoxy holds it together, bar on right keeps shutter flush, top needs trimming as it hits lightmeter this caused problems later on.
Part of an Umberella

just the right size to continue the lines.
Minimalising the Front.

made a plate for the front , then decided i might want to use the filter on something else at some point, or use the camera as a regular pinhole cam. so a hinged tin was adapted to use as a door ,it had a magnetic catch which i used.
I Live Near a School.

this tie has the colour purple in it so i deemed it suitable as a fabric to decorate the case. being synthetic it frays easily a flame along fresh cut edges seals them , use some shielding like metal rule, for mm adjustment hold the flame a little longer.
Some Reassembely Required

a drinks can and pin cunningly combined make a pinhole ,drink the drink first. a flatbed scanner set to high resolution scan the hole ,i used photoshop to zoom in and measure the hole.
Sunny 16 Saves the Day

at f16 the film iso and shutter speed are the same on sunny days. 200asa =1/200 and 400asa=1/400.
my pinhole is .22mm as small as i could make(f73) and the focal length is 16mm .the pinhole calculator suggests that on a sunny day the exposure will be 1/8
so i set my meter up to the sunny 16 rule and make a mark on the f ring at speed 1/8 (unfiltered pinhole)
the exposure compensation for filters that only have %30 light transmission is 1.7 stops.
as uv is on the edge of what film is supposed to absorb i decided to round up 1.7 to 2 .
i make another mark on the f ring 2 stops slower than the first mark ,this second mark is the uv filtered value.
the speed ring goes upto 30 seconds, iv added slower times at the same spacing doubling each time. 30s 1m 2m 4m 8m ...
my pinhole is .22mm as small as i could make(f73) and the focal length is 16mm .the pinhole calculator suggests that on a sunny day the exposure will be 1/8
so i set my meter up to the sunny 16 rule and make a mark on the f ring at speed 1/8 (unfiltered pinhole)
the exposure compensation for filters that only have %30 light transmission is 1.7 stops.
as uv is on the edge of what film is supposed to absorb i decided to round up 1.7 to 2 .
i make another mark on the f ring 2 stops slower than the first mark ,this second mark is the uv filtered value.
the speed ring goes upto 30 seconds, iv added slower times at the same spacing doubling each time. 30s 1m 2m 4m 8m ...
Now I Just Got to Wait for Some Sunshine

engraved bits the bits were wearing out and dremel in their wisom decide to have a different collet size to the rest of the world
Test Shots

i used times as per the meter.
the film expired in 2005.
i now have a better idea how sensitive film is to uv light,
i rekon i could trebel the exposure times.
the size of the filter is probably causing problems (im not about to buy a bigger one) with more exposure i will have a better idea how terrible the crop is.
the film expired in 2005.
i now have a better idea how sensitive film is to uv light,
i rekon i could trebel the exposure times.
the size of the filter is probably causing problems (im not about to buy a bigger one) with more exposure i will have a better idea how terrible the crop is.