Pc Power Supply on Ps3 Slim

My PS3 has been down a while after i left it on the menu screen of a dvd overnight,then it wouldnt come back on,
as sony have been getting a bit smug (anti piracy,many terms and conditions, and the constant internet need)
i decided the last thing i was going to do was give them more money.(by buying an official replacement power unit)
i knew that pc power units work on the ps3 fat have been looking for advice on the slim version(to no avail),
it got to a point where i thought dammit im gonna make the leap of faith and make the connections to see if i will work.
,ps i went on a stag night just befor doing this so details are sketchy (dutch courage) if you kill your playstation you did it, anyway ,after successful power i read about the tendancy of the mother board to overheat so added a bunch of fans to the case.
tool list approximate . screwdrivers ph0 did most of it, there security screws to get into machine at the time i just used a slightly mashed flat-head driver,the machine holds together fine if the security screws are not put back(pic on next step)
a scavenged pc power supply
a soldering iron, (if your just doing power you could get away with terminal blocks, or even twisty wire and tape)
wire cutters strippers,
possibly a switch to turn power box on and off
for the fan stuff
some fans
dirty iron and plastic cutting things
nylock nuts and bolts, zip ties 4 holding fans in place
hot glue gun for securing stuff , (its non conductive and lasts for ages its great for making weak solderd bits strong)
optional fan control, switch or a potentiometer or thermostat , i used a temperature control kit, i think i should have gone for a pot insted but its done now.
decoration ,
fablon ,,
allegedly attractive sticky back plastic i used chrome colour
scalpel with new blade
This Needs Replacing

+5.5v @ 0.9A
considering the cost of the official one and the relative ease at which it broke , a diy solution seems the only sensible solution.
Select Closest Value

+5v @ 2A
this part cost me nothing, has similar power output, and is the basis of this home made power solution to the ps3 slim.
Pin Selection

there is also 4 wires that connect the power supply to the motherboard. they have a plug at each end , unplug the end attached to the power supply and connect your wires to these wires , (much safer and easyer than connecting to the motherboard directly.
cut the needed wires from the plug and so on.
connect "acin_det" with "5vsv" they are both5v +
,"gnd" and "gnd" are - negative ,
"acdc_stby" is not connected,
"12v" is 12v+
i tried a couple of things to get acdc_stby working or connected to something as something but there is only so far i prepared to guess, it works without it. i guess its an neg -5 volt thing to turn the power supply on and off.
Bench Test

Extra Sucky Fan

Connection. Thermostat Thing Is Not Very Good If Im Honest But at 12 Volt There a Bit Loud , 5v Is Quieter

Extra Exhaust Fans, Temp Sensor in Middle (green Wires)

Wireing Diagram

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