Create Your Word Block
1.2K Views, 0 Favorites
Create Your Block
851 Views, 1 Favorites
Create Your Word
678 Views, 0 Favorites
Use the Align Tools and the Workplane Helper
3.9K Views, 1 Favorites
Making and Manipulating Grouped Objects
1.1K Views, 0 Favorites
Moving, Rotating, and Scaling Objects
2.2K Views, 0 Favorites
Testing Your New Navigation Skills
497 Views, 0 Favorites
Getting Started - Navigation and Menus
2.0K Views, 1 Favorites
Tail Fins
1.3K Views, 0 Favorites
Design the Nose Cone
1.8K Views, 0 Favorites
Duplicate It!
1.8K Views, 7 Favorites
Hide It!
1.2K Views, 1 Favorites
Copy It!
1.5K Views, 0 Favorites
Learn to Design With Code Using Tinkercad Codeblocks: a Quick-Start Guide
69K Views, 111 Favorites
Create a Traffic Cone
12K Views, 8 Favorites
Align It!
5.3K Views, 1 Favorites
Rotate It!
2.6K Views, 2 Favorites
View It!
2.2K Views, 1 Favorites
Group It!
Size It Up!
886 Views, 0 Favorites
Move It!
Place It!
2.1K Views, 3 Favorites
Tinkercad Invitation Code
3.9K Views, 2 Favorites
3D KEVA Challenge 2: Bed
973 Views, 0 Favorites
3D KEVA Challenge 1: Lemonade Stand
Create a Path for the Air
7.6K Views, 6 Favorites
The PVC Pipe
1.3K Views, 2 Favorites
Start the Mouthpiece
1.1K Views, 1 Favorites
2.3K Views, 3 Favorites
2.7K Views, 2 Favorites
Spin Circuit Assembly
6.6K Views, 15 Favorites
Move Circuit Assembly
2.0K Views, 3 Favorites
Glow Circuit Assembly
4.5K Views, 17 Favorites
Turn Your 3d Design Into Buildable Brick Models Using Tinkercad
47K Views, 214 Favorites
The Basics: Design a Japanese Building
1.3K Views, 3 Favorites
Basics Practice: Scaling Objects
2.3K Views, 2 Favorites
Basics: Moving an Object
2.9K Views, 1 Favorites
Basics Practice: Rotate Objects
890 Views, 1 Favorites
Practice the Basics With Japanese Architecture
Temple: Adding Main Dome
1.1K Views, 3 Favorites
Temple: Placing the Columns
768 Views, 1 Favorites
Build a Temple
4.3K Views, 1 Favorites
Roman Column
6.9K Views, 5 Favorites
Roman Dome With Column
6.8K Views, 5 Favorites
Build a Fountain Using the Align Tool
4.1K Views, 3 Favorites
Create a Penny Whistle
8.0K Views, 12 Favorites
Create Your Superhero Suit
6.8K Views, 2 Favorites
Create a Ballerina's Tutu
Create a Fire Fighter's Helmet
2.8K Views, 0 Favorites
Create a Fancy Necklace
Add the Eyes
2.6K Views, 0 Favorites
Creating the Outer Shape
2.0K Views, 0 Favorites
Print and Build
975 Views, 1 Favorites
Building the Wing Clips
568 Views, 2 Favorites
Building the Nose Cone
3.7K Views, 3 Favorites
Adding the Toppings
2.1K Views, 1 Favorites
Making the Toppings
4.3K Views, 2 Favorites
Making the Crust
2.5K Views, 2 Favorites
Creating the Eyes
Creating the Limbs
3.6K Views, 3 Favorites
Creating the Body
2.9K Views, 2 Favorites
How to Create an Alligator
2.9K Views, 3 Favorites
Creating the Doors and Windows
5.4K Views, 3 Favorites
Creating the Roof
2.3K Views, 1 Favorites
Creating the Walls
How to Copy Objects
How to Align Objects
706 Views, 2 Favorites
How to Rotate Objects
11K Views, 1 Favorites
How to Move Objects
376 Views, 1 Favorites
How to Scale Objects
517 Views, 1 Favorites
Assemble an RV for a Road Trip!
596 Views, 2 Favorites
Create Your Future Self
Create Your Favorite Toy
2.7K Views, 1 Favorites
Create a Time Capsule
4.4K Views, 7 Favorites
Make the Body With Locking Tab
Build a Personal Locking Container
4.6K Views, 11 Favorites
Make It Your Own!
704 Views, 1 Favorites
Make a Gear in Tinkercad
14K Views, 12 Favorites
Aletas De Cola
2.3K Views, 0 Favorites
Diseña Una Nariz Cónica
How to Create a Clam Shell
4.7K Views, 0 Favorites
Creating a Coral Reef
6.6K Views, 8 Favorites
Assembling a Submarine
6.3K Views, 10 Favorites
Print-In-Place Bearing
7.2K Views, 11 Favorites
Twist Earrings
Cylinder Earrings
892 Views, 0 Favorites
Diamond Ring
1.6K Views, 0 Favorites
Basic Ring
Simple Heart Ring
696 Views, 0 Favorites
Easter Ring
1.9K Views, 0 Favorites
Skull Button
Die From Scratch
Bat Button
Basic Button
735 Views, 1 Favorites
Duffel Button
Flower Button
1.2K Views, 2 Favorites
Heart Button
713 Views, 1 Favorites
Saw Shaped Wrench
How to Create a Bunch of Grapes
1.6K Views, 1 Favorites
How to Create a Pineapple
3.0K Views, 0 Favorites
How to Create a Raspberry
2.9K Views, 5 Favorites
865 Views, 3 Favorites
18K Views, 3 Favorites
3.5K Views, 5 Favorites
Creating the Details
3.8K Views, 1 Favorites
Un Porte-clés Avec Des Lettres
Kendi Kalıbını Yap
647 Views, 0 Favorites
Создай Свою Игральную Кость!
Criação De Matriz
341 Views, 0 Favorites
Vytvoření Kostky
주사위 제작
885 Views, 0 Favorites
Budowanie Kostki
2.4K Views, 0 Favorites
571 Views, 0 Favorites
Készíts Dobókockát
603 Views, 0 Favorites
1.3K Views, 1 Favorites
590 Views, 0 Favorites
Crea Il Tuo Dado
690 Views, 0 Favorites
Crear Tu Molde
890 Views, 0 Favorites
Erstellen Einer Form
Construis Ton Propre Dé
글자가 찍힌 열쇠 고리!
602 Views, 0 Favorites
Brelok I Litery
Portachiavi Con Le Lettere
984 Views, 0 Favorites
Chaveiro, Letras!
907 Views, 0 Favorites
1.0K Views, 0 Favorites
Klíčenka a Písmena!
909 Views, 0 Favorites
Кольцо Для Ключей С Буквами!
636 Views, 1 Favorites
Kulcskarika, Betűk!
546 Views, 0 Favorites
Anahtarlık Ve Harfler!
547 Views, 0 Favorites
784 Views, 0 Favorites
Luggage Tag
1.5K Views, 3 Favorites
¡Llavero De Letras!
Schlüsselanhänger Mit Buchstaben
Chess Pawn
2.5K Views, 3 Favorites
Mover Objetos
933 Views, 0 Favorites
Podstawowe Działania
Sterowanie Kamerą
A Mozgatás Tanulása
475 Views, 0 Favorites
492 Views, 0 Favorites
Furatok Létrehozása
867 Views, 0 Favorites
Méretezés, Másolás És Beillesztés
457 Views, 0 Favorites
664 Views, 0 Favorites
1.4K Views, 0 Favorites
476 Views, 0 Favorites
493 Views, 0 Favorites
Hareketleri Öğrenme
622 Views, 1 Favorites
Ölçeklendirme, Kopyalama Ve Yapıştırma
2.7K Views, 0 Favorites
671 Views, 0 Favorites
738 Views, 0 Favorites
Kamera Kontrolleri
Delik Oluşturma
4.6K Views, 0 Favorites
Dimensionar, Copiar E Colar
631 Views, 0 Favorites
Como Aprender Os Movimentos
343 Views, 0 Favorites
Controles Da Câmera
785 Views, 0 Favorites
Criação De Furos
Создание Отверстий
Элементы Управления Камерой
1.8K Views, 1 Favorites
Использование Перемещений
730 Views, 2 Favorites
Масштабирование, Копирование И Вставка
1.4K Views, 1 Favorites
Skalowanie, Kopiowanie I Wklejanie
Controles De Cámara
1.7K Views, 0 Favorites
Ajustar, Copiar Y Pegar
Crear Huecos
4.4K Views, 0 Favorites
Impara a Muovere Le Forme
457 Views, 1 Favorites
Controlli Della Vista
372 Views, 0 Favorites
Crea Fori
3.4K Views, 0 Favorites
Scala, Copia E Incolla
Ovládání Pohledu
935 Views, 0 Favorites
429 Views, 1 Favorites
Tworzenie Otworów
4.9K Views, 0 Favorites
Změna Velikosti a Kopírování
Vytváření Děr
Skalieren, Kopieren Und Einfügen
1.7K Views, 4 Favorites
Erstellen Von Bohrungen
13K Views, 5 Favorites
919 Views, 1 Favorites
2.1K Views, 0 Favorites
이동하는 방법 배우기
574 Views, 0 Favorites
구멍 생성
712 Views, 0 Favorites
카메라 컨트롤
398 Views, 0 Favorites
크기 조정, 복사, 붙여넣기
771 Views, 0 Favorites
874 Views, 0 Favorites
カメラ コントロール
652 Views, 1 Favorites
Commandes De La Caméra
320 Views, 0 Favorites
Création De Perçages
Mise À L'échelle Et Copier-coller
Bewegen Von Formen
708 Views, 0 Favorites
Creating the Head
4.5K Views, 1 Favorites
Make the Shell
Crustacean Introduction
3.1K Views, 0 Favorites
Beaked Whale
4.5K Views, 4 Favorites
Spherical Ornament
4.8K Views, 7 Favorites
Minecraft Party Glasses
2.8K Views, 4 Favorites
4.9K Views, 7 Favorites
Numbered Die
7.5K Views, 8 Favorites
Create Your Own Monogrammed Ring
2.2K Views, 9 Favorites
Toy Soldier Ornament
1.7K Views, 3 Favorites
2.1K Views, 2 Favorites
Make a Trick Die
2.7K Views, 4 Favorites
Backpack Zipper Pull
2.0K Views, 2 Favorites
Simple Button
Build a Spork for Outer Space
2.1K Views, 6 Favorites
Custom Stamp
2.7K Views, 6 Favorites
Create a Moon: Introduction
442 Views, 0 Favorites
Make Some Craters
Positioning the Craters
Create the Main Moon Shape
675 Views, 0 Favorites
886 Views, 1 Favorites
Final Touches
589 Views, 0 Favorites
1.5K Views, 1 Favorites
Heart Ring
1.8K Views, 2 Favorites
5.3K Views, 2 Favorites
730 Views, 4 Favorites
Aligning the Rings to the Planet
Adding Details to Your Alien
Adding the Arms
3.5K Views, 1 Favorites
3.3K Views, 0 Favorites
2.4K Views, 1 Favorites
Introduction to Creating a Ringed Planet
959 Views, 0 Favorites
Creating the Planet
Creating the Rings
2.2K Views, 2 Favorites
Smiley Face Button
2.2K Views, 4 Favorites
3.2K Views, 2 Favorites
A Ship of Your Own
We're on a Boat
Start With a Simple Raft
Creating Wings for the Space Ship
Adding Windows to Your Spaceship
Making the Spaceship Body
4.4K Views, 1 Favorites
Making the Legs for the Spaceship
2.8K Views, 2 Favorites
Roman Arch
13K Views, 18 Favorites
Mortise and Tenon
3.1K Views, 5 Favorites
Suspension Bridge
10K Views, 9 Favorites
Measuring Cup - Measuring Volumes
Ruler - Measuring Lengths
Protractor - Measuring Angles
9.9K Views, 36 Favorites
Customize Your Car!
Create the Balloon Connector
8.8K Views, 5 Favorites
Create Wheels for Your Car
8.6K Views, 4 Favorites
Create the Body of Your Car
16K Views, 11 Favorites
Introduction to 3D Primitive Shapes
11K Views, 24 Favorites
Modified Arduino Uno Box
2.6K Views, 9 Favorites
Move Your Rings to the Base
563 Views, 2 Favorites
Add the Outer Ring
701 Views, 0 Favorites
785 Views, 3 Favorites
Create the Stamp Base
467 Views, 1 Favorites
Reducing Friction
1.7K Views, 5 Favorites
Making the Amplifier Body
3.0K Views, 3 Favorites
Building a Housing Module
Building a Rocket
7.1K Views, 9 Favorites
The Research Pod
2.2K Views, 6 Favorites
Filleting - Taking the Edge Off
12K Views, 4 Favorites
Getting Started - Simple Experiments
Personalizing Your Puck
972 Views, 0 Favorites
Manual Design Vs. Program Design
742 Views, 1 Favorites
Make It Your Own
360 Views, 1 Favorites
Coding a Cube
6.4K Views, 3 Favorites
Getting Started
3.4K Views, 6 Favorites
Setting Up Parameters for the House
Coding the House
Completing the House
466 Views, 1 Favorites
Create Your Name From Letters
7.5K Views, 5 Favorites
Jack O' Lantern
3.4K Views, 5 Favorites
Celtic Cross
912 Views, 0 Favorites
Obelisk Tombstone
Design Your Bobblehead
Research Your Favorite Bobblehead
Making a Gear
2.7K Views, 5 Favorites
Customizing to Fit Your Device
"Jazzing Up" Your Amplifier
816 Views, 1 Favorites
Prepare for 3D Printing
957 Views, 6 Favorites
Create a Floor Plan of Your House
Add a Roof to the House
667 Views, 4 Favorites
Create the Arched Doorway
835 Views, 3 Favorites
Build a Tinkercad House
38K Views, 30 Favorites
4.7K Views, 7 Favorites
Die on the Workplane
Key Ring, Letters!
Scale, Copy & Paste
Creating Holes
18K Views, 10 Favorites
Camera Controls
9.0K Views, 0 Favorites
Learning the Moves
1.5K Views, 5 Favorites