Electronics enthusiast
Infrared Remote Control With PIC12F1840
709 Views, 5 Favorites
PIC16 Heart Rate & Temperature Monitor
395 Views, 7 Favorites
Build an 8-bit Microcontroller - Part II. - Program Counter
1.8K Views, 8 Favorites
Touchscreen MP3 Player
1.7K Views, 17 Favorites
Build an 8-bit Microcontroller - Part I.
3.5K Views, 26 Favorites
88888: the Electronic Smile Counter
18K Views, 77 Favorites
GoldFish - a Smart Fish Tank Controller
14K Views, 131 Favorites
CNC Feed-rate Measuring Tool Made From Scrap
1.3K Views, 4 Favorites
Ultrasonic Obstacle-avoiding Robot
10K Views, 124 Favorites
HDD Clock - Persistence of Vision
7.1K Views, 30 Favorites
Car Battery Charger With PIC12F683
21K Views, 45 Favorites
Ultrasonic Measuring Tape
41K Views, 347 Favorites
Modding a Tank for Wireless Control
5.8K Views, 43 Favorites
Home Made 7 Segment Display Clock
29K Views, 27 Favorites
Electronic Lock With One-wire IButton
12K Views, 46 Favorites
LED Displays, Counters, Ad Signs
5.3K Views, 34 Favorites
Control Panel for Workshop
5.5K Views, 31 Favorites