Joined March 30th, 201155 Instructables 869,349 Views 205 Comments 552 Followers
petachock's Instructables
100+ Comments
Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views
Earned a bronze medal
10+ Featured Instructable
Earned a silver medal
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the For the Home Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Organization Challenge
Contest Winner
Judges Prize in the Woodworking Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Home Cooked Speed Challenge
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Lamps and Lighting Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Simple Machines Challenge
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Trash to Treasure Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Remix Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Jewelry Challenge
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Finish It Already Speed Challenge
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Scraps Speed Challenge
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Furniture Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Woodworking Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Wood Contest 2016
Contest Winner
Third Prize in the Maker Olympics Contest 2016
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Raspberry Pi Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Wood Contest