Trigger Amazon Alexa With an ESP8266
4.6K Views, 7 Favorites
How to Make a Minimalist Wallet
731 Views, 2 Favorites
E-Sim Racing Pedals
4.8K Views, 13 Favorites
Alexa Compatible IR Bridge Using an ESP8266
12K Views, 25 Favorites
Seeed Studio CAN-BUS V2.0 Hacking - Getting Started
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Arduino Controlled Seed Incubator
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Jerrycan Mount With Parts Bought From a Hardware Store.
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How to Nativly Run Netflix on a Raspbery PI2
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Remote Control Raspberry PI GPIO Pins Over the Internet
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DIY Cheap Inverter With Junk Parts
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Build an XBMC/KODI Remote With Arduino, IR Sensor Shield and VB.NET
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Using a Scrap Ordinary House Alarm PIR With Arduino
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Arduino Control/Integrate Aftermarket Accessories Via the CAN-BUS
8.2K Views, 61 Favorites
How to Analyze a Vehicle's CAN-BUS Using an Arduino Attached to a CAN-BUS Shield and Free Software.
45K Views, 103 Favorites
Save Values in Your Arduino's Permanent Memory
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Hack an ELM327 Cable to Make an Arduino OBD2 Scanner
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Arduino OBD2 Simulator
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Hack Your Vehicle CAN-BUS With Arduino and Seeed CAN-BUS Shield
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An Easy Way to Controll Your Arduino Pins From the Internet. (No Port Forwarding)
8.7K Views, 59 Favorites