Beaded Raspberry Necklace
2.4K Views, 48 Favorites
Cardboard Vending Machine
34K Views, 68 Favorites
Painted Butterfly Mounts
10K Views, 160 Favorites
NFC Stylish Pendant for Networking and More!
1.3K Views, 14 Favorites
Mushroom Forest Book Nook
12K Views, 125 Favorites
Scrolling Paper Art Sunset Box
23K Views, 214 Favorites
Draw Your Own Fantasy Maps
158K Views, 169 Favorites
Aquatic Ecology Lesson
1.6K Views, 8 Favorites
DIY Patchwork Hand Warmers
1.6K Views, 27 Favorites
Instax Mini Camera Bag
7.2K Views, 43 Favorites
Autumn Embroidery Wall Hanging
6.3K Views, 51 Favorites
Sugar Skull Decoration
1.8K Views, 29 Favorites
Paper Lucky Star Ring
3.9K Views, 30 Favorites
Duct Tape Cordage
3.8K Views, 9 Favorites
Quick and Easy Paper Flower Crown
5.6K Views, 13 Favorites
Re-purposed Laptop Screen for Raspberry Pi
71K Views, 435 Favorites