I love building things and taking pictures.
Keeping Up Appearances With Chindogu
2.7K Views, 2 Favorites
A Complete Beginner's Guide to Raw Files and Raw Processing
149K Views, 199 Favorites
Hypercard - an Impossible Paper Object
4.3K Views, 24 Favorites
Trihexaflexagons and Hexahexaflexagons
15K Views, 16 Favorites
How to Tie Your Shoes Cool - So They Don't Undo
3.3K Views, 9 Favorites
Valentines Pulse Sensor
4.3K Views, 18 Favorites
10 Minute Sunglass Neutral Density Filter
12K Views, 12 Favorites
Photography DIY Part 1- Getting Started
2.7K Views, 15 Favorites
Pi...In a Single Digit
3.7K Views, 4 Favorites
Randomized Arduino Drum Machine
28K Views, 77 Favorites
The Recycled Library
1.7K Views, 3 Favorites
The 555 Electronic Cricket Prank
15K Views, 21 Favorites
Arduino Chiptunes-Yet Again...Install an Arduino Library
7.5K Views, 37 Favorites
DIY Arduino Nebulophone Synth
68K Views, 294 Favorites
The Arduino DoAnything Shield
9.5K Views, 32 Favorites
The Arduino OctoSynth
60K Views, 306 Favorites
Loud Objects Noise Toy (AKA the Arduino Noise Machine)
17K Views, 62 Favorites
The Tumbling Rings of Antiquity...Again
1.7K Views, 8 Favorites
How to Collect Meteorites
15K Views, 36 Favorites
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
2.7K Views, 1 Favorites
Make a Nightlight Reflection Diffuser With FOIL
4.9K Views, 4 Favorites
5 Minute DIY Motor
77K Views, 202 Favorites
Luna Mod Looper
2.1K Views, 10 Favorites
Random Arduino LED Fader.
28K Views, 31 Favorites
Arduino Chiptunes
98K Views, 367 Favorites
The Joule Thief
32K Views, 95 Favorites
Wiry Stars
849 Views, 5 Favorites
Solder Headers to Wire...Without the Hassle!
27K Views, 13 Favorites
Save Some Water...With Water!?
2.7K Views, 12 Favorites
The Tumbling Rings of Antiquity...On Your Office Desk
11K Views, 56 Favorites
Office Supplies Catapult
6.8K Views, 7 Favorites
Atari Punk Console
11K Views, 45 Favorites
The Versatile 555 Timer
39K Views, 58 Favorites
Useless^2 (The More Pocket Sized Way.)
11K Views, 19 Favorites
Simple, Cheap, Electroplating
21K Views, 40 Favorites
Quick and Easy Arduino Nightlight
10K Views, 32 Favorites
The Flying Ace
883 Views, 2 Favorites
The Ultimate Paper Airplane
63K Views, 20 Favorites
How to Plant Lettuce
956 Views, 10 Favorites
Quick Popsicle Stick Bomb
3.0K Views, 8 Favorites
Get the Thrill of 3D in Powerpoint (not Really Powerpoint.)
827 Views, 1 Favorites
The Light Listener
8.4K Views, 19 Favorites
PIC Stroboscope
10K Views, 17 Favorites
LED Nightlight and Laser Light Show Using 4017 and 555.
12K Views, 20 Favorites