I like to make things.
Rainbow Ring - 100 Segments of Exotic Woods + Resins for a 1-of-a-Kind Heirloom Ring
Swirl Bowl - a $0 Cost Tangential Twist Turning
AirVase II - Floating Impossible Triangle Vase
Waffle Table Made From a Single 2x4
Manifest Destiny Meet Amish-ish Destiny - Real-life Homesteading Journey &Tips.
A 1-of-a-Kind Skateboard Confetti Pen
The Hardest 4 Piece Puzzle You’ll Every Try But So Easy for Everyone to Make.
Kazoo Making and Caroling (100+ Hours of Research to Create a High Quality Low Cost Instrument. Plus Decades of Humming)
Floating Stool - Not What You Think (AirStool)
Floating AirVase
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