Failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success.
Outback Workstation 3.2 - Vice & Lathe All in One
4.3K Views, 35 Favorites
Hackagranny - the Backpack You Didn't Know You Needed
6.0K Views, 60 Favorites
Coffin Surf Board Part 1
1.3K Views, 9 Favorites
The Corona Diaries - Getting Started With Permaculture Gardening
1.5K Views, 18 Favorites
First Blow. Getting Into Blacksmithing With Empty Pockets
11K Views, 223 Favorites
Building a Wrong Cedar Dugout Outrigger Concept Canoe
12K Views, 45 Favorites
TOUCAN - TOtally Useless Companion Anyone (should) Need
19K Views, 150 Favorites
Hole Saw Adze
9.9K Views, 48 Favorites
Artificial Barn Swallow Nests
13K Views, 21 Favorites
18th Century Style Custom Pistol (nerf)
3.1K Views, 38 Favorites
Handsaw Hack Drawknife
2.2K Views, 20 Favorites
Briar Smoking Pipe / Bowl
10.0K Views, 55 Favorites
'Shave Mouse' Aka Revisited Shave Horse
9.6K Views, 81 Favorites
IKEAK - Soft Floor Survival Kayak
2.9K Views, 20 Favorites
Cross-bow - Cross Country Ski Bow, If You Prefer..
40K Views, 207 Favorites
The Picapow - Hammering in Style
6.6K Views, 69 Favorites
Screwdriv'ify Your Knife
7.2K Views, 54 Favorites
Manual Bandsanding Like a PRO
12K Views, 119 Favorites
The Bayonax - When Thor Meets Bushcraft
19K Views, 161 Favorites
Born in a Beer Keg - the Manliest Bird Box in the Hood
3.4K Views, 7 Favorites
Another Bath Tub Conversion
2.4K Views, 46 Favorites
Bath Tub Makeover
14K Views, 151 Favorites
Handsfree Bird Watching
7.3K Views, 41 Favorites
Zero Effort Birdboxes
10K Views, 126 Favorites
Emergency Avalanche Beacon
10K Views, 85 Favorites
Paleo Lighter - UPDATED!
94K Views, 528 Favorites
Beer Mug Dry Toilet
6.3K Views, 61 Favorites
2 Days, 20 Beers, 200 Euro & a Bathroom Cabinet - a Fail Story
25K Views, 167 Favorites
Locking Heaven's Door (with Hell's Lock)
42K Views, 429 Favorites
Staining Wood With Wodka & Walnuts
27K Views, 279 Favorites
Instant Axe Aka Cell Phone Axe
75K Views, 365 Favorites
Cracking Nuts Like a Plumber
1.6K Views, 23 Favorites
Survive in Style (5) - DIY Aspirin
41K Views, 495 Favorites
Survive Without Style - the Ultimate Garbage Bag Shelter
60K Views, 407 Favorites
Survive in Style (4) - Free Soap
45K Views, 390 Favorites
Survive in Style (3) - Sun Goggles
13K Views, 207 Favorites
Survive in Style (2) - 15 Minute Mug
37K Views, 335 Favorites
Survive in Style (1) - Softboiled Eggs
8.7K Views, 139 Favorites
Bonfire Beer Bottle Holder
7.1K Views, 185 Favorites
Meat - How I Started Doing Without
4.4K Views, 55 Favorites
Mjölnir Multi-2-l
20K Views, 308 Favorites
LIM Pendant
9.1K Views, 245 Favorites
CATPISS - Preparing Your Cats for the Apocalypse
16K Views, 159 Favorites
'yo-yo' Aka 'baby-bird' Folding Knife Pendant (UPDATED)
37K Views, 501 Favorites
The Cookie Cutter - a Custom Carving Knife
19K Views, 207 Favorites
She-Hulk - the Revival of the Adze
17K Views, 217 Favorites
Backyard Pottery - a Howto in 10 Lessons (UPDATE 1)
15K Views, 243 Favorites
Cutting Board Wallet
7.1K Views, 92 Favorites
Coconut Mouse Trap
20K Views, 121 Favorites
Handheld Tree Cannon - Nerf Style
16K Views, 167 Favorites
Rocking Drakkar
6.2K Views, 110 Favorites
Lessons of a Knife - Making the Ultimate Bush Blade
75K Views, 799 Favorites
'Frontier Style' Workmate - NO POWER TOOLS
15K Views, 289 Favorites
Shooter Glass Grape Lamp
7.9K Views, 223 Favorites
'Cumulonimbus 2000' Multitool
59K Views, 129 Favorites
Stump Throne
4.8K Views, 67 Favorites
'Moon Lander' Mug (no Welds, Hacked Hardware)
24K Views, 138 Favorites
Cómo Hacer Caca -- La Manera Fácil
10K Views, 12 Favorites
13K Views, 92 Favorites
Pooping in Paradise (or in Nature) - How to Do It Easily
207K Views, 293 Favorites
Tarro Vikingo (sin Herramientas Eléctricas--el Método Bushcraft)
18K Views, 70 Favorites
Very Manly Beer Keg Welding Helmet
17K Views, 249 Favorites
Carpintería Con Formas Naturales
4.4K Views, 30 Favorites
Viking Axe Boomerang
36K Views, 378 Favorites
Leña Perfectamente Partida (actualizada)
4.9K Views, 16 Favorites
The Real Axe for Men
89K Views, 563 Favorites
DIY Sea Glass
85K Views, 604 Favorites
6.5K Views, 85 Favorites
Guerrilla Gardening - Bombing Style
22K Views, 456 Favorites
Drill Press Bread
9.0K Views, 58 Favorites
BACKBOX ONE - More Than Just a Heavy Duty (tool) Carrier
61K Views, 345 Favorites
Elegant Ikea Hack Litterbox
44K Views, 305 Favorites
Nest Box for Little Owl - for 'Old World' Makers Only
10K Views, 78 Favorites
'Tree-Nex' - Woodworking With Natural Forms (UPDATED)
27K Views, 359 Favorites
The Ultimate Zombie Stopper
26K Views, 385 Favorites
IPAD 7 - Insanely Powerful Arrow Driver
240K Views, 1,684 Favorites
From Beerbox to Toolbox 2.0
9.8K Views, 86 Favorites
Whisky Bottle Couch Cache
23K Views, 103 Favorites
'Viking' Beer Mug (no Power Tools - the Bushcraft Way)
863K Views, 3,530 Favorites
(bitter)sweet Hair Pins
31K Views, 590 Favorites
122K Views, 1,754 Favorites
Bird Feeding Table - Reinvented
6.2K Views, 91 Favorites
Natural Elbow Dreamcatcher
21K Views, 367 Favorites
Storm Lighter
56K Views, 727 Favorites
Peeling Apples - the Hacked Way
42K Views, 138 Favorites
Custom Pocket Screwdriver
29K Views, 287 Favorites
Sharked Kayak Trailer
27K Views, 98 Favorites
The Lazy Carver
36K Views, 188 Favorites
Kuksa Carving (for Lazy Carvers)
277K Views, 1,297 Favorites
The Survivalist's Cat Tree
18K Views, 283 Favorites
PANZERHANDY - the Armoured Cell Phone
17K Views, 84 Favorites
'NoMatterWhatHorn' - a Really Heavy Custom Vice
38K Views, 330 Favorites
The BEAST - Bart's Eight Arrow ShooTer
75K Views, 680 Favorites
The Putty Peeler
28K Views, 123 Favorites
'The Royal Birding Chair'
6.4K Views, 40 Favorites
Stone Age Axes
81K Views, 332 Favorites
Yak-Proof Survival Knife
68K Views, 484 Favorites
DARC - Defence Attack Rescue Claw
90K Views, 1,082 Favorites
Wood Harpoon Drill
13K Views, 107 Favorites
The Illusionist's Heart
449K Views, 1,369 Favorites
From Beerbox to Toolbox 1.0
11K Views, 86 Favorites
Make a 'natural Elbow' Boomerang
188K Views, 548 Favorites