Moving and Talking Giant Lego Hulk MiniFig (10:1 Scale)
9.7K Views, 28 Favorites
Puzzle Gift Box
2.2K Views, 19 Favorites
3D Printing Visual Aids for the Vision-Impaired
2.1K Views, 3 Favorites
How to Continue a Stopped 3D Print
16K Views, 38 Favorites
Halloween-Inspired Green Eggs With Spiderwebs (No Food Colouring)
584 Views, 0 Favorites
Creamy Coconut Chickpea Curry (Vegan and Gluten Free)
1.7K Views, 19 Favorites
OmniBoard: Skateboard and Hoverboard Hybrid With Bluetooth Control
11K Views, 107 Favorites
Flying Captain America's Shield - RC Plane
2.9K Views, 12 Favorites
Wide Angle Shots
1.1K Views, 3 Favorites
LED Ping Pong With Shift Register
2.1K Views, 1 Favorites
3D Printed Robotic Hand With Bluetooth Control
29K Views, 57 Favorites
Laser Gauntlet With 2 Axis Gimbal
2.6K Views, 4 Favorites
Minimalist LED Clock (Animated)
812 Views, 2 Favorites
Fall Detector With Email Notification of GPS Coordinates
1.4K Views, 5 Favorites
Spirograph Draw-bot
1.3K Views, 3 Favorites
Bad Posture Alarm With DIY Flex Sensor
2.7K Views, 7 Favorites
Beautify Your Slippers -- Rose Slipper
596 Views, 0 Favorites
DIY Washer Necklace
Programmable Laser Light Show -- Arduino Controlled
5.8K Views, 39 Favorites
Light Inducing Seizure Warning System
1.2K Views, 4 Favorites
Laser Pointer Ultrasonic Distance Finder
6.3K Views, 74 Favorites
Secure Passcode Smartphone-Controlled Garage Door
1.6K Views, 20 Favorites
Laptop Anti Theft Alarm System
3.7K Views, 5 Favorites
'Overheating Dog/Baby in a Car' Alarm - Email Notifier
1.4K Views, 8 Favorites
Professional Solar Eclipse Photography
725 Views, 0 Favorites
'Oort' the Obstacle Avoiding Robot
647 Views, 3 Favorites
Phoebe the Photophillic Robot
1.3K Views, 9 Favorites
DIY Flex Sensor Under $1 !!!
11K Views, 39 Favorites
Simon Says Memory Game With Arduino
2.5K Views, 11 Favorites
Sun Horizon Photography
542 Views, 1 Favorites
Yummy Bacon Weave
919 Views, 1 Favorites
Weather Clothes Recommender - Dress Appropriately
DIY Pocket Size Emergency Button Notifier for Elderly With WiFi -- Personal Alarm (IoT)
8.8K Views, 34 Favorites
IR Proximity Sensor - 16 Set
2.1K Views, 9 Favorites
Parking Assist Sensor - Park Perfectly Everytime!
1.0K Views, 7 Favorites
Wireless Doorbell With Email Notification
3.6K Views, 30 Favorites
Smart Trash Bin - Email Notifier When Full (Wifi IoT)
5.0K Views, 5 Favorites
Crying Baby Monitor With Email Notification
2.9K Views, 23 Favorites
How to Make Diffused LEDs
542 Views, 6 Favorites
Frosted Glowing Flower Vase
767 Views, 5 Favorites
Spam Rice Bites
640 Views, 0 Favorites
Bacon and Spam Fried Rice
1.7K Views, 3 Favorites
Hall Effect Sensor: Christmas Music Box
970 Views, 3 Favorites
Colourful RGB Mason Jar Night Lamp
1.5K Views, 26 Favorites
Backpack Phone Solar Charger From Reused Electronics
1.2K Views, 8 Favorites
Blind Assist Ultrasonic Navigation
6.9K Views, 40 Favorites
Sound Reactive (VU) Colour Changing Mason Jar Lamp
2.3K Views, 22 Favorites
Engraved Wooden Popsicle Wooden Cuff
531 Views, 1 Favorites
DIY RC Control Horns From Recycled Plastic Cards With Template
3.0K Views, 2 Favorites
Private Lock Box With Pin Code - Bluetooth Activated Lock
2.9K Views, 9 Favorites
Remote-Controlled AT-AT Robot (Star Wars)
RC Remote Control Multiple Servo Motors
4.7K Views, 4 Favorites
Mini Pocket Size 5V Regulated Power Supply
1.9K Views, 22 Favorites
Foldable, Portable, Compact Triple Mirror Setup
1.8K Views, 2 Favorites
How to Make an Etched Frosted Mason Jar Design
4.1K Views, 20 Favorites
ESP32: How to Interface LCD With ESP32 Microcontroller Development Board
54K Views, 34 Favorites
Paper Rose Boutonnière
1.6K Views, 10 Favorites
'Time to Get Out of Your Chair' Alarm
3.9K Views, 26 Favorites
Cute Animal-themed Corner Bookmarks With Free Printables
2.9K Views, 2 Favorites
'Too Close to the Screen' Alarm
2.3K Views, 13 Favorites
Mini Super Bright Squeezable Flashlight KeyChain
944 Views, 0 Favorites
Morse Code Sender
3.6K Views, 18 Favorites
Make a Pocket-Size Theremin With ESP32
4.9K Views, 34 Favorites
Cheap Handheld 3-axis Camera Gimbal
3.5K Views, 19 Favorites
Classy Washer Bracelet
406 Views, 1 Favorites
Reclaimed Natural Sea Glass Pendant Necklace
921 Views, 7 Favorites
Make a Twitter Bot App: Tweet at a Press of a Button - Arduino 101 BLE
3.0K Views, 13 Favorites
How to Use RGB LEDs to Identify Colours - DIY Colour Sensor
14K Views, 49 Favorites
Indoor Sea Glass Planter Jar
988 Views, 1 Favorites
Natural Sea Glass Twine Ring
1.3K Views, 5 Favorites
DIY Notebook Binding With Yarn
24K Views, 5 Favorites
Geeky LED Light Up Earrings
1.0K Views, 5 Favorites
Pretty Pom Pom Slippers
1.5K Views, 0 Favorites
Fresh Homemade Basa Fish Salad
2.3K Views, 3 Favorites
Recycled Dual-Purpose Phone Dock and Sound Amplifier
1.4K Views, 1 Favorites
Cute Animal-themed Cootie Catcher With Printable Templates
19K Views, 12 Favorites
Controlling Stepper Motor With L293D
10K Views, 49 Favorites
Naruto's Flying Paper Shuriken (Ninja Star)
11K Views, 7 Favorites
Basa Fillet in Tomato Sauce With a Side of Beans
931 Views, 1 Favorites
Reclaimed Sea Glass Flip Flops
1.2K Views, 1 Favorites
Easy Spam Fried Rice
'Perry the Platypus' Pipe Cleaner Art
1.9K Views, 2 Favorites
Solar Eclipse / Sun Viewer in 3 Simple Ways
2.8K Views, 4 Favorites
Mood Cue: a Scientific Temperature- Mood- Correlation
1.5K Views, 3 Favorites
Daikon Radish and Veggies Stir Fry
11K Views, 6 Favorites
Solar Powered Mason Jar
3.1K Views, 17 Favorites
'Pizza' the Photokinetic MothBot
1.1K Views, 5 Favorites
Hand Crank LED 'flashlight'
3.7K Views, 12 Favorites
Carpe Diem Motivational Craft Sticks
1.4K Views, 2 Favorites
Simple Leaping Robot Frog
4.0K Views, 3 Favorites
Sunshine Alert Meter
1.4K Views, 6 Favorites
Control 2 Motors With the L293DNE Dual Motor Driver IC and Arduino 101
7.6K Views, 2 Favorites
ESP32: Pocket Size Distance Measuring and Logger
44K Views, 53 Favorites
ESP32: DIY Motor Driver With ESP32 Controller
19K Views, 42 Favorites
Mini Piano With Arduino 101
4.3K Views, 18 Favorites
BLE Controlled Servo With NRF
2.9K Views, 6 Favorites
Quick and Easy Lettuce Salad
509 Views, 0 Favorites
Breakfast Wrap
513 Views, 1 Favorites
Poached Egg Over Rice
Bacon Omelette
494 Views, 5 Favorites
Ginisang Sayote (Stir Fried Chayote)
5.7K Views, 0 Favorites
Easy Seafood Fried Rice for Students
Gyoza Dumpling Soup
8.5K Views, 14 Favorites
How to Cook Potstickers Dumpling (Traditional Style)
1.6K Views, 16 Favorites
Breakfast Bagel Sandwich
1.2K Views, 6 Favorites
Simple Gyroscopic Motion Visualizer
3.3K Views, 21 Favorites
VU Meter: Music Reactive LEDs
5.2K Views, 29 Favorites
DIY Battery Level Checker
9.2K Views, 50 Favorites
Star Trek Hasperat Made Easy
5.0K Views, 16 Favorites
Cheap Garlic Bread: College Student Hack
2.4K Views, 11 Favorites
Arduino 101 Step Counter
3.7K Views, 0 Favorites
DIY Snapper - Snap Activated Light - With ESP32
4.7K Views, 22 Favorites
Super Simple Flashing Light Doorbell Demo
2.2K Views, 12 Favorites
Bacon and Corn Risotto
998 Views, 7 Favorites
DIY Homemade Bath Sponge
3.9K Views, 3 Favorites
Simple Thermometer Using TMP36 and ESP32
16K Views, 13 Favorites
LED Bluetooth Control Using NRF Connect
5.4K Views, 15 Favorites
DIY Metronome
11K Views, 57 Favorites
Solar Power From LED
11K Views, 82 Favorites
Cheap Laser Tripwire Home Security Alarm System
4.1K Views, 21 Favorites
Blinking an LED With ESP32
204K Views, 22 Favorites
Interfacing Servo Motor With ESP32
57K Views, 52 Favorites
Interfacing Photoresistor With ESP32
39K Views, 14 Favorites
Alarm Clock Using the RTC of the Arduino 101
7.9K Views, 15 Favorites
DIY Simple Robot Claw/Gripper (Actuated)
10K Views, 4 Favorites
Getting Started With ESP32 on a Mac: Blink and LED
25K Views, 18 Favorites
Ginisang Repolyo - Stir Fried Pork and Napa Cabbage
3.2K Views, 11 Favorites
Sarah the Simplest Arduino Robot
2.5K Views, 22 Favorites
Southwestern Chicken Skillet
595 Views, 13 Favorites
Digital Light Theremin
3.7K Views, 27 Favorites
Transistor Amplified Capacitive Touch Switch
6.0K Views, 7 Favorites
Fried Rice for Hungry College Students
13K Views, 56 Favorites
LED Morse Code Encoder
5.6K Views, 17 Favorites
Reading a Push Button Toggle
9.6K Views, 24 Favorites
Evil FrankenDroid
973 Views, 2 Favorites
Replicate Young's Double Slit Experiment at Home
15K Views, 41 Favorites
Fan Me, Intern! a Mechanically Actuated Fan
1.5K Views, 9 Favorites
Use of Ultrasonic Sensor to Measure Distances
21K Views, 21 Favorites
Light-Controlled Servo
65K Views, 46 Favorites
Electric Fan With Speed Control
4.3K Views, 10 Favorites
RGB Flashers With Shift Register
5.2K Views, 13 Favorites
Generate Electricity From a Motor
21K Views, 14 Favorites
2-axis Gimbal
10.0K Views, 31 Favorites
Lazy Green Onion Pancake
818 Views, 6 Favorites
Make Any Colour With One LED!
5.3K Views, 6 Favorites
Measure Distance Traversed by a Robot With an Encoder
7.9K Views, 7 Favorites
RGB LED Temperature Indicator
16K Views, 25 Favorites
Congee - Filipino Style
Potentiometer-controlled Servo
3.5K Views, 15 Favorites
Reading an SPDT Switch
24K Views, 17 Favorites
Using the Accelerometer on the Arduino 101
1.9K Views, 19 Favorites
Driving DC Motors With Inputs Using the SparkFun Motor Driver
2.5K Views, 14 Favorites
LED Waterfall With a Shift Register and Arduino
3.8K Views, 17 Favorites
Tap Detection With Intel Curie Chip on Arduino 101
1.6K Views, 11 Favorites
Controlling a Motor an NPN Transistor on the Arduino 101
7.4K Views, 10 Favorites
Crispy Fried Tofu
707 Views, 9 Favorites
Easy Chicken Salad
8.1K Views, 20 Favorites
Controlling a Servo With an Arduino 101
6.2K Views, 24 Favorites
Using the Real Time Clock of the Arduino 101
3.2K Views, 29 Favorites
Using an LCD Screen With an Arduino 101
4.0K Views, 37 Favorites
RGB LED Sound Level Detector
4.1K Views, 16 Favorites
Arduino Temperature Indicator
2.7K Views, 27 Favorites
Using RGB LEDs With Arduino
2.8K Views, 17 Favorites
Automated Arduino Nightlight Using Photoresistors
8.6K Views, 14 Favorites
Taho: a Simple Desert Snack Food From the Philippines
2.0K Views, 8 Favorites
Control LED Blink Rate With Potentiometer
33K Views, 10 Favorites
Polish Gołąbki: Stuffed Cabbage Roll (Seafood Version)
1.4K Views, 3 Favorites
Using the Arduino 101 Essentials: Lesson 1 - Blinking LED
2.0K Views, 17 Favorites
Breakfast Spam Burrito
2.2K Views, 13 Favorites
Hawaiian Spam and Cabbage Stir Fry
5.2K Views, 12 Favorites
Seafood Stir-Fry Ramen Noodles
5 Minute Breakfast Quesadilla
1.0K Views, 12 Favorites
Cooking Tortang Talong (Filipino Eggplant Omelette)
4.4K Views, 9 Favorites
Playing Canon D in 8-Bit Music
8.1K Views, 24 Favorites
Boost Your Memory With an Augmented Reality Mind Palace
1.9K Views, 1 Favorites
5 Minute Stir-Fried Spicy Tofu and Beans
553 Views, 5 Favorites
Easy Boneless Pork Chop
929 Views, 7 Favorites
How to Make Curry-Flavoured Spam Fries
1.6K Views, 12 Favorites
Planning Your Travel Route
1.1K Views, 23 Favorites
Cool Shades for Under $25 (LED Matrix Sunglasses)
1.6K Views, 8 Favorites
Face Tracking Pan-Tilt Camera
19K Views, 158 Favorites
Build a Moving TARS Robot From Interstellar
16K Views, 52 Favorites
Add Gesture Control to Your Computer
14K Views, 103 Favorites
Build ANY Professional Multicopter
4.1K Views, 53 Favorites