
by Ruud van Koningsbrugge in Craft > Reuse

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Keyman made of computerkeys.
You will need: computerkeys, a key ring, some string, all purpose glue, a pair of scissers, little piece of cardboard 2 mm thick. needle 

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Remove computerkeys from an old keyboard. Cut off protruding triangles with all purpose scissors. You can smoothen te underside of the key with a piece of sandingpaper if neccesary. You will need 16 square keys, 2 long (matching) keys for the body, 2 rectangular keys (matching) for the head. It would be wise to perform steps 1 and 2 for all keys, before going on.

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Slot a small piece of cardboard in the center. Glue with all purpuse glue

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Make a slipknot in a piece of string

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Tie the piece of string round the piece of cardboard

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Glue the second half of the head with all purpose glue. This second half should slot tight over the piece of cardboard

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Attach a second piece of string just below the head

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Find a long key for the body. Repeat steps 1 and 2. Arrange the strings as the photo shows.

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Glue the second half of the body on to the first.  Make sure the strings remain in the right place

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Add square keys to form arms and legs. Follow the first and second step of this instructable for each key. You will need 16 keys.

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With a hot needle you can melt two little holes in the top corner of the head and attach the piece of keychain through those holes.
I put a piece of duct tape round the needle to prevent burning my fingers.

Now you are the owner of an original key-man. Enjoy!