Fix Work Jeans ,knee Patch,no Machine No Pins No Re Seaming ! Magic

by crazyg in Craft > Sewing

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Fix Work Jeans ,knee Patch,no Machine No Pins No Re Seaming ! Magic

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safety notice , this activity involves pointy things and thread. keep animals and children out the area.

        ever seen a cat chase a bit of string?


i mostly do photography instructables,this my first time in the sewing box , if this is really hum drum then i apologize.

Inadequet Tools Fail

you dont want to be using a sewing kit from a christmas cracker from 1985, these are work jeans not a wobbley button on a shirt.

needle . leather working type. they accept strong thread and the point is a bit wider than the end with the hole.

waxed button thread is good, strong and knots stay tied with it.

beading thread is better. its for (i guess) making necklaces and wot not. its also nylon so using a lighter it melts you then can pinch and pull the end making a very thin solid slither to poke through the needle , e z .

some patch material

a sponge

multipurpose spray adhesive

super glue



A Sponge?

stuff said sponge into the leg so it sits behind the hole. it keeps the back of the leg away from the bit your working on ,you do not want to sew the leg shut, if you sew a bit into the sponge its ok cos sponge tears easily.

Magic Invisible Pins

trim any annoying flappy bits off. then spray glue around the hole(hope this will discourage further fraying), depending on your patch material you can spray the back of the patch and stick it on(avoid the middle sticky knee), if your patch material is thin you can spray it then fold it then spray again and then stick it on.

i had a thin patch and a thick patch

Tidy Edges

for the thick patch i tucked the edge under the remaining spray glue helps make the crease. only bother folding one edge , the one your gonna sew. then the next and sew that..

Tie and Start

pinch the fold up along with the original material ,poke the needle through and tie a knot,(threading tip step one) start a little way in so you can still fold the edge your not doing now. i find about 60 cm of thread can do about 10 to 15 cm of stiches, you dont want anymore than 1m of thread on your needle at a time ,it can tangle, to lessen tangle let the thread hang freely for a moment.

Round and Round

keep looping through your pinch, not too deep or you will end up with massive stitches or a big bunched lump of material.

Tie Off and Continue

when your thread is getting short or your getting to the end of a section, tie a can use the needle to do this if you want see pic. dont cut the excess as you can tie to this on the next section. i did opposite ends first then joinde them together with the last 2 sides.

Tuck and Go.

joining to previous stitching.


i never was very good with knots so a blob of super glue on them makes me feel better.

Back to Work.

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this is me doing my vacant catalog doing something pose.