Welcome to ElderSave!

by The Joe Man in Outside > Sports

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Welcome to ElderSave!

ElderSave Final Version

Welcome to ElderSave! The best tool for any elder to workout, do an activity or just have fun, safely!

Using a Circuit playground express, we open the world of working out and improving our health to our elders.

Attached is a video showing the full aspect of the ElderSave, what it provides us and how it improves our life.

Special led effects have been added to the device in order to allow maximum brightness and appearance to elders walking among us.

The special led effects will also show us if an elder is in need or having an emergency.

Lets workout and have fun!


Circuit Playground Express - https://www.adafruit.com/product/3333

Battery Package - https://www.adafruit.com/product/727 3 x AAA batteries

Micro Usb cables - Micro Usb cable

Blynk Set Up

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We will start by setting up the Blynk app which will allow us to control the ElderSave ( based on the Circuit playground Express ).

- First we will download the Blynk app for whatever platform we are using

- Then we will create a new project - defining the device as MKR1000

- We will send ourselves the authentication code - by email - in the end of the process ( possible to copy it as well)

- As soon as the project is up and running - we will start configuring the virtual pins in our project:

V0 - Emergency Contact - Setting up as Text Input

V1 - Distance Walked - Setting up as Display Value

V2 - Setting Walking distance - Setting up as Slider

V3 - Start Walk Button - Setting up as Button

V5 - GPS coordinates - Setting up as GPS Stream

V7 - Reset Activity - Setting up as Button

For more information and more precise instructions, please refer to the documentation:

Blynk Documentation

Setting Up the Project

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Hi there!

First things we are going to do is set up our project so we can upload the code to our Circuit playground Express.

Our very first step will be to download the code and the supporting libraries from Github.


In case we do not have not have the Arduino IDE installed, we will go ahead and install the software:


After all is well and we've opened all our ElderSave files in one folder with our brand new IDE, we will access the ElderSaveFinal.ino and change a few settings ( see attached image):

char auth[] = Code given to us by Blynk

char ssid[] = Name of wifi we are using

char pass[] = Password of wifi we are using

Upload the code to our Circuit playground Express.....

And we are good to go!

Nice guide to get started with Arduino IDE:


Getting to Know Our HeartBeat Monitor

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Our heartbeat monitor is based on an outsource code for measuring the light interaction with our blood stream amplifications!

As soon as the left button is pressed on our arduino, and our finger is placed on it, our heartbeat will be measured for 15 seconds and returned to us. If our heartbeat is at a dangerous level the following will happen:

- Emergency sounds and bright red yellow colors will make a fuss around us

- Email and notifications will be sent to our emergency contact (defined in Blynk)

Heartbeat min/max level measurements ( according to our age ) can be decided individualy here:


and can be defined individually in our code in the following variables:

(look for this in the code: // DEFINE MIN AND MAX HEARTBEAT HERE )


int minEmergencyHeartbeat = 50;

int maxEmeregencyHeaertbeat = 180;

Getting to Know Our Pedometer

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Our pedometer will allow us to check how many steps we have taken during our walk!

Our steps pedometer is based on the following code that is published here.


During our activity, the Circuit Playground Express will present a beautiful turning wheel of lights indicating that our walk is taking place at this moment. ( In case of an emergency, the CPE will indicate of danger with the same wheel showing red and yellow lights )

Configure Your First Workout!

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In order to start working with ElderSave we will have to configure the main window.

First thing we will do is enter the Emergency contact details - e-mail in this case.

Then we will define the distance that we want to walk.

Finally, as soon as everything is configured and connected, we will press the Start button!

In order to measure the heart beat => we will press the left button on the Circuit playground express, and put our finger on the green light.

We will wait for 15 seconds until receiving and answer.

If the answer is under the minimum or over maximum values - the device will enter Emergency mode.

In which case, help will be coming!