Waste in Space

by Ruud van Koningsbrugge in Living > Toys & Games

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Waste in Space

This must be the cheapest spaceship ever built. Two detergent bottles, some paint and we're off. 
And I bet someone will succeed in building a little battery light in the cabin.

The Shopping List

dubbel spaceship.jpg
What's needed:
Two empty (transparent) detergent bottles
Two extra caps of smaller plastic bottles (engines)
small hacksaw
masking tape
Acrylic Paint: basecoat,( I used acrylic modelling paste), black, gold, brown, copper 

Shaping the Bottles

Cutting the first bottle is easy. Remove the cap and neck with a hacksaw and cut the bottle vertical in two halves with scissors. We are using the part with the handle, the rest is not used. The second bottle is a bit more challenging. Make a small horizontal cut approx. 1,5 cm below the neck. then in a straight corner go down. The part removed is 1,5 cm less wide than half the bottle. The removed part will be used as cabin. Therefore it's necessary to make rounded corners at the top. Note that the cap stays on the second bottle.

The Engines

Make two holes in each extra bottle cap. Tread a tie-wrap through. Make corresponding holes in the "corner"bottom of the half bottle. Pull the tie-wrap taught. some pliers may come in handy.

Assembling the Body

Combine the two half bottles to create one bottle with two handles. The half bottle (down part on the photo) should overlap 1.5 cm on the bigger half with cap. Secure with two tie-wraps. One close to the cap, one center on the bottom. These are barely seen on the photo. The more visible tie-wraps are used to attach the cabin to the body. Note thet each tie-wrap goes in at the side and out on top.


To attach the cabin to the body use the two tie-wraps from the last step and add one more in the front near the cap. This is done before painting. This photo shows very clearly the tie-wrap on the side witch holds both half bottles together. See last step.


Put a piece of masking tape where you want a ( or more) window(s). Sand the bottle with sandpaper, put a basecoat on the whole spaceship ( I use acrylic modelling paste). Then pant everything black. After drying brush lightly with brown. Let the black shimmer trough. Accentuate edges with an almost dry brush with a little copper paint. Set some stronger gold marks around engines, frond and edge of the window.