Warm Winter Hat With No Fog Facecover
by Random_Canadian in Outside > Snow
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Warm Winter Hat With No Fog Facecover

For far too long I have endured the injustice that is foggy vision when outside on cold days.
I needed a tight fitting warm winter hat. I have never been able to wear a scarf without fogging my glasses so I needed to do something about that as well.
Before you say just wear contacts, that is not an option!
Wind resistant! Water resistant, Warm neck, and aFace mask that you can form tightly against your face so that exhaled breath is directed away from your glasses.
The Pattern

If you chose to make your own pattern, begin by measuring over the top of your head from your eyebrows to the base of your neck. Mine is about 18 inches.
I arbitrarily chose to use 4 inches wide at the front and 3.5 inches wide at the back.
Using a thin sheet of craft paper and your head as a backdrop trace a liberal width around the outside of the shadow as shown.
This may take several times to get right. Clean up the outer drawing when you are satisfied with the shape.
If you prefer I have included my patterns.
Print, Cut and Assemble the Pattern

The patterns available for download from the previous step are roughly men's average size large.
There are six pages for the main cowl and 1 for the face mask.
Cut the patterns at the outer line leaving the inner as a guide for where to sew.
The patterns are marked with alignment points and roman numerals 1 through 5. Align and tape these together.
Cut Your Material

My patterns are the originals that I created the printable drawing from.
The inner cowl and face mask will require less than a half meter for fleece.
The outer cowl requires less than half a meter of ballistic nylon for wind and water resistance.
Cut 2 outer cowl pieces and one center strip from each of the types of material.
Fold the inner fleece material and cut 2 pieces for the face mask as shown.
Sew the Cowl

Beginning with the fleece. Have the fuzzy sides facing each other.
Start at the front of the cowl and sew one cowl side to the center strip using the 5/8 sew line as a guide. The will be the top curve only.
Repeat with the other side.
Place this on a head form if you have one, with the sewn seam side closest to the head.
Repeat these steps with the outer cowl material.
Place the cowl with the seam facing away from the head on top of the inner cowl piece.
Align the inner and outer seams and sew around the entire outer edge using the 5/8 alignment line as a guide.
Leave the center strip open at the back, this will be to facilitate turning the hat right side out.
With the cowl right side out, sew around the entire perimeter of the hat about 1/4 inch from the outer seam.Tuck the rear center strips together and sew the opening shut.
Add Velcro

On the outer material sew 2 1.5 inch wide by 2.5 inch long hook type Velcro strips as shown. Sew around the perimeter of the strips and once diagonally for proper retention.
On the fleece side sew 2 similar strips of loop type Velcro at 90 degree orientation as shown.
Using the head as a guide sew 2 similar strips in line with the center of the eye on either side of the outer cowl. use loop type for these.
The Face Mask

Begin by having the two sections folded with fuzzy sides together. Sew from the fold down along the lower sweeping curve.
Open the sections and place the fuzzy sides towards each other aligning the seams away from one another.
Using the 5/8 sew line as a guide, sew along the top edge then leave about one inch on either side and sew the sections together along the lower curved edge
Sew along the upper edge using about 1/4 inch from the seam edge.
Measure a piece of stainless 20GA wire against the top of the mask and feed it through the center of the 4 layers at the top then curl the ends and tuck it inside the 1 inch openings at the ends.
Sew the entire perimeter about 1/4 inch from the edge making sure to stitch several times through the hidden wire loops.
Attach 1 inch square hook type Velcro at the corners of the upper edges where the wire loops are hidden.
The wire is used to hold the mask firmly against the face which prevents exhaled breath from coming out along the top which fogs the glasses in cold weather. It is easily bent and will not be cold against the face due to the dual layers of material insulation.
Make It Black

I chose to make another using all black material.
I feel like a ninja but it should be white for the winter...