Vertical Planter From Old Casserole Pan and Pallet

by ruudcreates in Workshop > Pallets

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Vertical Planter From Old Casserole Pan and Pallet

Don't throw away old broken stuff. Instead, use is for something decorative or a project of some kind.

In my case the lid of my casserole pan was broken, it was rusted. Since I didn't use the pan much anyway, it was time to get rid of it. The first idea was to put a plant in it and put it on the balcony. Eventually it became a vertical planter for in the study. Have fun making your own or reading this instructable.


  • Old looking pallet
  • Old casserole pan/dutch oven
  • Steel wire
  • Varnish

  • Cordless drill
  • Paintbrush
  • MIG welder

Cut the Pans

Using an angle grinder cut the pan in 2 halves. Depending on the wood you want to attach the pans to, also cut some additional parts so the pan fits the wood. In my case this meant cutting strips of the sides so the pan wood slide between/over the pallet.

Mount Pans

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The halves were cut in such a way they clamped themselves on the pallet, so it is easy to attach. For the pan which slides between two pieces of wood, there is no wood behind the pan, so some wood is added on the back side.

The lid of the pan was the most difficult and also least practical the way I mounted it. A strip of metal was welded to the lid, then slid over the pallet and then again welded tot the other side of the lid. In order to prevent the lid from moving, two screws were added.

Plastic Inside

Because there are supposed to be plant in the pans, the inside of the pans is covered with plastic. A regular plastic bag is cut to approximately the correct size and then glued to the inside using a glue gun. When the glue is cooled down excess plastic is cut.

Hang on a Wall

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For this step I went for the fastest and easiest solution. Two holes were drilled a bit larger than my steel wire per mounting point. The wire was sent through those holes and wrapped around each other on the other side. The created loop can be used to hang to a screw/nail in the wall.


Now it is time to enjoy your latest creation. I still need to add some plants, but am not sure what to put into it. So until I upload a picture with a nice plant, all suggestion are welcome.