USB Extension Cable

by Beaudryb03 in Circuits > Computers

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USB Extension Cable


The cable on my USB headset was way too short so i decided to make my own extension cable.

I would like to give a shout out to my friend Jared who gave me the idea to do this. This is my first Intractable so If you have any tips, questions, or things you want to discuss with me please, leave a comment I would really appreciate it.

Change log:

11/01/22 I have added some pictures to the soldering and tape sections and have added the test section and lines about shielding wire also added change log(force of habit from my computer science classes)

11/02/22: fixed spelling mistakes and changed title, about, and soldering section to be more descriptive

(11/02/22)/2: put about me in introduction, put change log in introduction, changed spacing, Fixed spelling, added labels to diagrams to prevent confusion

(11/02/22)/3: more spelling and punctuation fixes, fixed label (I did a goof)


  • USB cable
  • old io port from computer (or you can de-solder a USB port from an old computer/charging block)
  • soldering iron and solder
  • wire stripers
  • electrical tape
  • extra wire (if you cut it to short like I did)
  • Hot glue gun (optional)
  • scissors (optional)

Remove the Ends


First thing you need to do is cut off the ends of the cable so that the colored cables are showing.

Strip the Wires


Next you need to strip the main cable so that you can easily access the color wires.

Also strip the colored wires so we can move on to the soldering process.

Note: the first layer of the wire is covered in ground shielding wire DO NOT connect it to any of the colored wires. You may connect it to the strands on the other wire if you would like to but make sure that you properly do everything else first

Solder Like Colored Wires Together


twist the copper of the like color wires together.

apply flux to the wire while applying the soldering iron

put the soldering iron on the twisted wire and apply the solder to the wire until a good connection is established

Make sure that they are not touching any other color



cover the wires in electrical tape to ensure good isolation.

while not required I covered the connections with hot glue to ensure that if the tape slipped I would not have to buy another motherboard

Test(optional But Highly Recomended)

Screenshot 2022-11-02 130027.png

you can use a multi meter to check the connections buy placing a multi meter on continuity (or use resistance) and checking to see if only the corresponding numbers have any connection (see image)

I would also recommend first testing it on a throw away computer and device (so make sure it works before using it to plug in your phone to your expensive gaming pc because if there is a short you have a chance to ruin the USB port or the usb driver)



you are ready to use your brand new USB extension cable.

Trouble Shooting

when you plug in your cable if you have some issues go over the following;

Make sure that each colored cable is not touching another cable

Repeat step 5:

make sure that the wire is not damaged inside of the sheathing (this is important if you made it from an old cable that did not work)