Twig Candle Holder

by dieter demeyere in Living > Decorating

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Twig Candle Holder

So before starting/
Found the idea for a twig candle holder here


Tools needed / used:
Hammer - hand clamp - some pliers - U nails - (extension) flat wood boring bit - iron wire - scrap wood - secateur

Start to Cut

Get the secateur and find some twigs. I used only twigs wich were allready cut off.
Twigs are about 6mm to 10mm in diameter.
Once you have a lot of twigs, start cutting them about the same size (depending on the height you want).

Connecting the Twigs

Once you have enough (calculate roughly) you can start by attaching them togheter.
Take a long length of iron wire about three times the circumference of the base.
Fold it in half and start by twisting it around the first twig.

* Between the first and second twig I did about 2 or 3 twists. Will be clear later on.

Make sure you have about the same distance above and at the bottom. Also calculate a little bit what the middle of your base is, so attaching later on will be easier.
Continue by adding twigs and twisting the wire. I always did one firm twist. I tried with just crossing the wire, but found out that one twist was better
It works best when you do both sides about the same time.
This is where the hand clamp and scrap wood come in handy.

Let's Twist Again!

Once your halfway or further on, it's nice to check the length together with the base.
Keep adding twigs and keep twisting.
Also keep in mind to align 1 side of the twigs. So later they will fit nicely according to the bottom.
Once your halfway or further on, it's nice to check the length together with the base.


Here's in short how to make the base
Find your piece of wood you like to use for your candle lighter. I preferred a straight rectangular shape witch contrasted with the natural forms of the twigs.
Cut the wood to the preferred size. Keep in mind here that your candles need to fit in and that you still have some space around.
// Don't want to start any fires. //
Draw the positions for the candles and drill halfway. Measure the candles you want to use.
I wanted just regular tea lights. So they are about 40mm in diameter. I used a (extension) flat wood boring bit to make a 42mm hole. I didn't want the candle to sink in completely so I drilled a hole only about 3/4th of the height.


Ok allmost there. Now we just have to keep twiggin' and twistin' till we have the right length needed to cover up our base.
I noticed that a rough measure will have some twigs 'extra' in spare. Removing them is easier than adding other ones while allready attached to the base.
I started of on one corner and nailed it with U nails to the base. It's easy to do between the twigs with the twisted wire trapped inside. This way you pull your framework against the base.
Make sure to pull the twigs nice and firm against the base.
It will make the finished product so much better.

Attaching the Twigs to the Base

Once around the base you will meet up with the start point. Here is where you possibly have to remove some twigs.
Once you are ready to 'close' the twigs together here is why I did 2 or 3 twists between the first two twigs. This will give a little more space for the iron wire to pass between the twigs as you are attaching the last twig to the first one.
It's a little hard work but with some pliers you can get it nice and clean so you wouldn’t  see where they are connected.
Here you can see where I added the U nails.

Ligt Up and Enjoy!

I made this as a gift. So I don't have any other pictures than these last ones

Keep Up the Good Work

Later I made a small candle holder with the leftovers :D
