Turn an Old Agenda Into a Tablet Case

by lindarose92 in Living > Organizing

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Turn an Old Agenda Into a Tablet Case


Turning a book into a tablet case is something many of you have probably seen already. It's very simple and fast to do and costs nothing!

I thought it was a clever idea and I decided to give it a try because I needed a case for my Kindle. I found an old agenda with a soft fabric cover that was just as big as my Kindle so it couldn't be more perfect than that!

My tablet fell on the floor more than once "thanks" to my cat so it will definitely be more protected from now on :D
This idea is also great as a way to hide tablets since nobody will ever guess that this a tablet case!

I'm going to show you how I made mine and I hope you like it as much as I do :)



The most important thing you need is an agenda (or book) that is as big as your tablet, or big enough for it. Even its thickness is quite important because it may be too large or too thin for your tablet.

Other than this, I'm sure all of you have the following supplies already:

  • cardboard (I used the 2 waves one)
  • a piece of fabric or felt
  • super glue or white glue
  • fabric elastic band
  • awl
  • cutter and scissors
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • your tablet, of course

Prepare the Base


Open your agenda and carefully remove all of the pages inside, cutting them out with a cutter. You won't need those pages anymore for this project.

When you are done, cut a rectangle that is as big as the cover. Start gluing it on the inside of the cover, starting from the left side. Do NOT glue it all, keep some of the right part free for now.

I used the back of a piece of artificial leather I had that is very soft and perfect for this, but you can use whatever fabric or felt you like.

Attach the Elastic Band


Make 2 holes at about 4cm (1.57'') from the angles of the cover, on the part that you left free, using an awl. One must be at the top and one at the bottom.

Cut a piece of elastic band that is 5 or 6cm (2'') bigger than the cover's vertical side and insert one of its tips from the exterior side of the cover into one of the holes.

Insert the other end of the band into the other hole then pull them just about 1cm (0.39'') from the inside of the cover.
Secure them with glue.

Your whole elastic band will be on the back of the agenda now and its tips will be secured inside.

Finally, glue the remaining piece of fabric that you didn't glue before. This way the inside of the cover with the tips of the elastic band will be all covered with fabric.

Make the Angles


Now trace the outline of your tablet's angles on cardboard.

Do this again leaving about 0,5cm (0.19'') from the previous outline. You only need them to be about 4cm long.

Join the 2 outlines together tracing a line on the sides, like I did.

You need to draw a total of 4 shapes like that and carefully cut them using a cutter.

Last Touches


Glue the 4 cardboard angles on the inside of the cover, on the right side. They have to match with the angles of your tablet, so make sure to try it on while you do this.

When the glue is dry, you can finally start using your agenda cover as a tablet case!

The elastic band is important to keep the case together and secured. All you have to do is passing it on the front of the case, just like a regular agenda! ;)

Do you like it? Let me know what you think and please vote for this instructable if you liked it! :)