Turn an RV Into a Cube Van

I wanted to purchase a cube van for a work vehicle but i couldn't pull myself to pay the ridiculously high price on them. After searching for months looking for a fair prices cube can I realized that I had one already..almost, my 1976 Fleetwood Jamboree.
Gut It
First off, everything in the inside had to go. I tore out everything which took several days and then I had some space to fill. I saved all of the parts to use for a smaller pull type camper that I will be fixing up.
Add Garage Door

The main thing that had to be done was add a rear garage door as the side just wouldn't cut it for a work truck. I took down the back window and began to install a 4'*6.5' garage door. After installed I had some space to fill along the sides.
Build Shelving

The shelving I didn't want to rush because I wanted a spot for everything and that is something that will come in time. There's plenty of room now for lots of tools.
I had the longhorns that initially were on a skull and centered on the hood but I came up with the idea to make the whole machine somewhat resemble a bull. This was all hard work but it paid off with one bad machine.