Trick Dice

Have you ever gambled with family or friends but you kept losing? Have you ever felt frustrated because of rolling a dice and it wasn’t a number you wanted? We experienced this a lot so we made TRICK DICE. You are probably wondering what that means, this is a dice that will always roll a specific number which we set to ONE. We made it so it doesn't roll one every time, but it is heavily skewed to roll one. It will roll one most of the time, but there is still a chance that it rolls other numbers. The reason we wanted to make this Trick Dice is because when we play Trouble — a board game that has to move every piece to the finish line. And how far a piece can move depends on what we roll on the dice. To make it a " Fair " game, we want everyone to only roll ONE so we can lower the chances of losing the game.

To make this dice we used Autodesk Inventor Professional 2025 to design it. Then we used a 3D Printer to print the dice out. The material of the dice we used was 3D Printer filament.

Draw a 25mm square

Use the offset function to offset 1.5 mm wall

Use the three-point-arc to create a 11.5 arc

Use the trim function to trim off the parts of the arc that stick out.

Extrude the drawing 22mm to create the main part of the dice.

Create a new sketch on the top plane

Draw two rectangles in order to seal up the dice.

Extrude the two rectangles to seal up the dice.

Create a sketch on the top

draw two construction lines on the surface to find the center point.
Sketch Sides

Draw each of these drawings so each of the sides add up to seven.

Extrude the circles to 1mm down.

Chamfer all the inner circles by 1mm

Filet all the edges by 3mm
Trick Dice
