Tray for Breakfast in Bed
by sergeybedryichuk in Workshop > Furniture
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Tray for Breakfast in Bed

Hi my name is Sergei and this is my first briefing, I decided to start with something simple so do not judge harshly.
I present to your attention a homemade "tray" for breakfast in bed with wooden folding legs. In fact, as you can see, the main material for making a "tray" is a sawdust (wood chipboard) 18 mm thick. Why did I use this? Because all the elements used in this project are - the remnants of a large design of furniture for your own home. I designed and assembled some furniture for my own home. Such as a dressing table, bedside tables, cabinets and sliding door wardrobes (photo below). And later ...
I present to your attention a homemade "tray" for breakfast in bed with wooden folding legs. This is a simple, fast and most importantly cheap project. It will not take you much time and will not require special skills, only a drill with a drill and a screwdriver.
You will need the following tools:
- Drill - for drilling holes for screws or confirms.
- Screwdriver or screwdriver
- Rubber hammer - with it everything becomes smoother.
- Several drills - 8 mm and 4 mm on wood.

In fact, as you can see, the main material for making a "tray" is a sawdust (wood chipboard) 18 mm thick. Why did I use this? Because all the elements used in this project are - the remnants of a large design of furniture for your own home. I designed and assembled some furniture for my own home. Such as a dressing table, bedside tables, cabinets and sliding door wardrobes (photo below). And later ...
And yet it took a lot of time and even more sawdust materials, the remnants of which are not wasted but used for various small projects.
General Overview

Today it is a convenient and functional "tray" for eating in bed. In fact, I made three such copies. And I liked the result.
Here I have attached many photos of the finished product from different angles. Yes, I agree, the look is not as spectacular as natural wood, but it performs its functionality perfectly.

Let's decide on the size: in fact, I took a long break from the Internet to choose a single standard size and came to the conclusion that you only need to look to make it comfortable for you. And so the general parameters are 55 cm by 35 cm (550 mm * 350 mm) and 7 cm in height. As for the height, I take into account the thickness of the base, which is 18 mm, and with an interception on both sides of the top and bottom, the bottom is 22 mm, this distance is needed to hide the folding legs and 30 mm at the top of this space.
More precisely, let's number each element and describe its exact dimensions (all dimensions are in millimeters (mm)):
1. The basis (pallet) - 1 piece. Length 514 mm * Width 314 mm. (Calculation - subtract the width of the sides from the total dimensions, the neck of which is 18 mm width of the sawdust 550-36 = 514 and 350 - 36 = 314)
2. Side skirt with stoon length (without handle) - 2 pcs. The length of 514 mm is equal to the length of the base and the width of 70 mm.
3. Side skirting from the side of the width (with handles) - 2 pcs. Length 350 mm Width 70 mm (Length is calculated 314 + 18 +18 interception of sides)
That's all ....
I ordered such exact sizes at the cutting station, because it is quite difficult to achieve accurate cuts up to a millimeter at home.
Also from wooden elements we need more legs: Legs 4 pcs. - Length 250 mm and width 20 mm and height 20 mm Webs between socks 2 pcs. - Length 270 mm and width 20 mm and height 20 mm

We also need:
Handles 2 pcs. - Ordinary handles for cabinets, drawers or chests of drawers can be found in the nearest carpentry or furniture store. In my case, these are two gold handles with a length between the mounting holes of 168 mm.
Bolts 4 pcs. - M5 with rounded cap length 50 mm and 4 pcs. washers and 4 nuts to them. It is necessary for fastening of legs, on whose bolts the course of legs of "Tray" will take place
Screws on a tree of 12 pieces. or confirmations 12 pcs. - for twisting of a sawdust among themselves. (Actually it is possible and less than 8 pieces will be enough but I did on conscience)
Drill and Fasten

First of all, look at all the through holes and other fasteners.
First, drill the fastening for the handle on the side, find the center and relative to it make two holes through to fix the handle. (The diameter of the hole is the diameter of the mounting bolts that came with the handle)
We drill in lateral sides from Length we make an aperture for Bolts which fasten folding legs. (Attention should be calculated exactly where to drill these holes because they depend on the grip and support of the legs when opening.) In my calculations, this is 12 mm * 12 mm from the edge of the drilling point. The same holes, however, are drilled in the center in the wooden legs of those that are 250 mm
Drill holes for connecting screws, I drilled 3 pieces on each side.
Then we will collect a basis from a sawdust plate in a heap.
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We save wooden elements.
Attach a wooden jumper 270 mm long between the two bases of wooden legs. (Fasten with an ordinary screw on the sides). Then the ends of the legs are carefully sanded to achieve a rounding effect. Then we varnish all wooden elements with a varnish on a tree ... Twice a thin layer with an interval in 24 -48 h on varnish drying.
Then assemble the whole structure into a pile, fasten the legs to the base with bolts and adjust the force of the clamp, adjust to assembly and opening.
We use with pleasure
After the Word

I glued all the fasteners with special stickers that hide these elements and merge with the natural texture of the product. I made the fastening under the handles secretly and sealed all the side faces with veneer.
Pay attention to the point of attachment of the bolt to the base, the scope of the legs in the open state depends on it, because the legs themselves rest on the lower side, which forms the required opening angle.