Trans-Medium UFO Art - Illuminated Flying Saucer Rides Gravity Wave Into Landscape Painting
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Trans-Medium UFO Art - Illuminated Flying Saucer Rides Gravity Wave Into Landscape Painting

The inspiration for this project was an up close personal UFO experience that proved to me beyond reasonable doubt the the phenomenon is real. This was about 15 years ago, and I have been a bit obsessed with the topic ever since for better or worse. I will be making another art piece with depicting that specific sighting in the near future, which I will likely post here as well. (*that piece is now done, see it here) This first piece however is not intended to represent a specific case, but rather just to present and test the concept of what I'm calling "Trans-Medium UFO Art".
Research/Concept Design

My goal is to depict UFOs in a way that not only "pops' in a visually interesting way by adding another (3rd) dimension to a traditionally 2D medium by blending painting and sculpture, but also to try and illustrate how we think these vehicles might travel; by utilizing gravitational warp bubbles. This concept is not only theorized by ufologists, and military whistleblowers, but also was proposed by Miguel Alcubierre in 1994. This "Alucbierre Drive" concept allows for faster than light travel by expanding space behind the vehicle while contracting space in front; all without violating the laws of physics. I am no physicist, but I interpret this as the craft is creating a bubble around itself where it is not affected by the conditions outside and that by expanding space behind it and contracting space in front, it is creating a sort of gravity wave that it surfs through space. A similar concept to this is depicted in a recent New York Times best selling book called "Imminent", by Luis Elizondo who is an ex pentagon official tasked with investigating UFOs/UAP. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in learning about this topic.
My family and I live in a rural area with an incredible view from our house which we enjoy every day. I have been wanting my wife, who is an excellent painter, to capture this view in a painting in case we ever have to move for any reason. So I figured I could kill two birds with one stone by using our view as the landscape for this experimental art piece. I ultimately mocked up some renders of the gravity wave surfing UFO concept in the Rhinocerous CAD program.
3D Printing the Gravity Wave and Saucer

I designed the "gravity wave" in a sortof puck-like form factor that could be inset into the wooden canvas that I would create later.
I used the saucer design described by whistleblower Bob Lazar as the inspiration for the UFO. I printed the puck and a preliminary prototype of the saucer on my Voron 3D printer which I built previously.
The prototype saucer would not be used in the final piece, but the gravity wave puck was perfect so I used it in the final peice.
Creating the Canvas and Incorporating the Gravity Wave

I cut some MDF with a perfect sized pocket for the 3d printed gravity wave puck on my OpenBuilds 1515 CNC machine that I also built previously. I then used the tablesaw to create some sides that matched the depth of the 3D printed puck, which gave the canvas some nice dimension like a traditional stretched canvas. Notice that back top edge has a mitered rail so that the final piece can be mounted with a french cleat hanger.
I then sanded the whole thing down to a relatively fine grit until the transition from MDF to 3d print was unnoticeable to the touch, and I then proceeded to prime the crap out it until the whole canvas was a consistent white with no noticeable transitions.
Create the Final 3D Printed Saucer

I decided to elevate the piece even more by adding illumination to the saucer. To achieve this I printed the two halves of the saucer out of translucent ABS, with a 5/16" hole on one side to receive some clear acrylic rod. I glued the two halves together and gave a light sand to the whole thing.
I then applied a ridiculous amount of coats of aluminum colored spray paint to the print until all the 3d printed layers were impossible to discern and the whole saucer looked consistent.
Next I used my laser engraver to etch off portions of the paint that I wanted to illuminate on the saucer. I sanded the end a small piece of clear acrylic rod so that it would diffuse more light inside of the saucer, and Illuminated the other end of the rod with some tiny LED lights which I superglued on.
This whole assembly would get attached to the final assembly after my wife completed the landscape painting.
Hand the Completed Canvas Off to the Professional (my Wife) for Painting

My wife is an excellent painter, but this was one of her first attempts at a landscape, so she was a little bit intimidated. But to my non-surprise it turned out great!
She started by priming the whole thing with pink as she explained that white is not the best base color for an oil painting. It is better to start with some color that will help set the overall tone you want the final piece to achieve.
She sketched the main elements in pencil, and then just went to town with her brushes, and painted the the whole thing in about 4, 4 hour sessions while I tried my best to keep our young kids distracted (one of the hardest parts of this project). She used a printed photo I had taken previously of our view as her reference while she painted. I am amazed at how accurate the painting turned out. As usual the painting looks better than the photo she works off of.
A huge thanks to my wife for humoring me on this project. She tolerates my UFO obsession, but it usually doesnt involve this much work on her part... Thanks again Jess, I love you!
I hope you all enjoy this piece. I am currently working on some more variations of this concept to create a series of related artworks. If I can find time Ill post them here also.

Thanks for reading and keep your eyes to the sky because you might just see something.
Check out if you want to catch up on what has been going on in the last several years in congress to declassify UFO/UAP information to the public. Some laws have already by passed, and more are on the way. Search UAPDA (UAP Disclosure Act) which is a bipartisan amendment to the NDAA proposed by Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Mike Rounds.
If you think the whole thing is bunk, just take a 2 minutes to read some to the quotes former presidents, astronauts, scientists, military officials, and other reputable folks here If that doesn't convince you, just wait a couple more years for congressional and scientific efforts to come to fruition and then there will be no doubt!