To Get Start With STM32 Black Pill and STM Cube IDE to Display “YOUR NAME” on 16x2 LCD Without I2C Module Using HAL Programming.
by qwes11_4522 in Circuits > Microcontrollers
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To Get Start With STM32 Black Pill and STM Cube IDE to Display “YOUR NAME” on 16x2 LCD Without I2C Module Using HAL Programming.

In this tutorial, we'll use an STM32 Black Pill to program an I²C LCD on STM32CubeIDE using HAL programming.
- STM32 Black Pill
- 16*2 I²C LCD
- Laptop or desktop
- USB-C cable
- Few jumper wires
- STM32CubeIDE
- STM32CubeProgrammer
Project Creation
- Create a new STM32 project from File > New > STM32 Project
- Select the appropriate board.
Pinout Selection

- Go to Connectivity > I2C1 and enable it. This will set SDA to pin 43 and SCL to pin 42.\
- Go to System Core > RCC > HSE > Crystal/Ceramic Resonator.
Clock Configuration

- Configure your board's clock.
- Save using Ctrl + S.
Writing the Program

- Go to the project file in project explorer, then Core > Src > main.c.
- Inside the function int main(void) write the following program:
HD44780_PrintStr("Hi from Anjan");
Note: The code may vary according to your micrcontroller.
- Save the file and debug.

- We will bootload STM using USB, this tutorial does not use ST-Link.
- Next, press on "Open file" and select the .elf file from the project folder.
- Press on "Download".
- Go to "Erasing and Programming" from the menu in the left.
- Go to file path and select the .elf file and press "Start automatic mode".
- Once compiled, disconnect and reconnect the STM board.

we can change the name of the person varying
Thank you