Tiny Carrot Whistle

This is a carrot whistle, I had the idea to make it after I saw a band of vegetable instruments, so I tried make a carrot whistle, and for this Instructable I scaled the size down to about 1.5 inches, enjoy!

You need 2 carrots 1drill bit and 1 craft knife
Hollowing Out the Carrot

First get you carrot and your drill bit ready, for the drill bit I used 11/32, using the drill bit hollow out the carrot without drilling through any of the edges.
Carving the Whistle

Take another carrot and cut a small piece off save this piece, you will be using it later in the Instructable, than cut into the roof of the carrot but only so you can see the sharp edge of the knife, after that cut at a angle on the roof of the carrot so it meets the first cut you made.
Finishing It Up

Take the part of the carrot you cut off in step 2 and cut off a bit of it so it looks like 3/4 of a circle, than place the 3/4 circle into the front of the carrot, you can now try blowing into the front of the carrot to test the whistle, if it does not work try adjusting the 3/4 circle piece.
note: below you will find a audio recording of the whistle in action
You’re Done!!!

You’re done! enjoy your new carrot whistle! (after I took the cover photo my chickens noticed and ate the whistle in the fist ten seconds) (-: