Tiki Shack

Hello my name is Xavier and I created a rendering of a small tiki shack as a perfect place to go cool down on the beach. This area is an area where one can go relax and sit under the shade of the roof of the tiki shack and enjoy the nice breeze from the ocean. This shack is easy to construct all with materials found in nature. This beachy shack gives a nice vibe to any beach, as well as a nice escape from the harsh sun rays.
Define the Problem

For Step 1 I worked on creating a resolution to the problem which was finding a small structure with good functionality. Being creative and thinking, I feel that the tiki shack provides a unique way to escape the suns harsh conditions while still being able to be on the beach, in a structure with natural materials. This needed to be completed by 13th, 2025.
Collecting Information

Step 2 was to collect information to brainstorm how I would come up with a way to create a structure that would help keep a beach vibe while providing people a place to stay cool on the beach while still be able to get that beach experience. The photos are all of the materials I would think of to use in the tiki shack, not of all which where used.
Brain Storming

Step 3 was the process that had me sit down and conjure a way to put these materials that I was looking at into a functionable way to provide a cool place for people to sit down on the beach. There was multiple attempts in revivit to get the shape of the structure but once I did I found that an octagon was the shape I wanted to go with. As well with the theme being a tiki shack.
Develop Solutions/ Build a Model

For step 4 I used the ideas I brain stormed and decided I was to create a 3d model on revivit of a tiki shack in the shape of a octagon.
Revit Model

Above are attached images of the revivt model and a rendering of the tiki shack.