The World Best Fire Starter

If you have a fireplace in your house, you have to start the fire.
I want to show you how to make free starter from recycled materials.
You can get everything for free.
This is my first Instructable, please be nice ;-)
Keep in mind that you're going to work with hot wax, quite unplesant to get onto your body.
I want to show you how to make free starter from recycled materials.
You can get everything for free.
This is my first Instructable, please be nice ;-)
Keep in mind that you're going to work with hot wax, quite unplesant to get onto your body.

Get Materials:
Old candles
egg cartons
Sawdust from wood
Old candles
egg cartons
Sawdust from wood
Melting the Wax

melt the candles in an old pot, I suggest using always the same one, the wax has to be completly liquid
Fill It Up!

fill some sawdust into the egg carton, fill the whole carton, or even multiple cartons, a didn't find a solution for plastic egg cartons :-(
maybe someone has an idea?
maybe someone has an idea?
Pouring the Wax

get the hot wax. You have to carefully pour it onto the sawdust, you need quite a lot of wax, if it gets solid on the top of the sawdust, the wax wasn't hot enought. Fill all portions and let it cool for some time.
Use Em'

At my fireplace I need two sections of them to start the fire with big wood blocks and no paper.
You can use them for all your fire needs, throw some of them in your backpack if your hiking or biking or doing whatever outside.
The fire pictures were taken with a Nikon Coolpix compact camera, everything else with a Sony a-300.
melting the wax with a microwave, a bit tricky!
You can use them for all your fire needs, throw some of them in your backpack if your hiking or biking or doing whatever outside.
The fire pictures were taken with a Nikon Coolpix compact camera, everything else with a Sony a-300.
melting the wax with a microwave, a bit tricky!