The Putty Peeler

Never thought that a painter's delta knife would be traduced by 'putty knife' by google and that it turned out to be the right term. Weird sometimes, language!
So, all you need this time is this putty knife and a dremel or other speedcutting stuff.
To make what? To make a tool to survive in the gastronomic jungle: The Putty Peeler! Made in a few minutes, nice & effective: with this tool you can slice almost everything in regular chips without the loose of gallons of blood, fingers or whatever. It's the knife that strikes over the product, not vice versa. I picked the basic idea in a cheese factory in the mountains. The brains were not mine...
Wanne peel cucumber? You'll do it!
Wanna peel potatoes? You'l do it!
Wanna slice carrots? You'll do it!
Wanna make potato chips? Just do it!
Wanna reduce your stepmother in tiny slices? Go for it! (Maybe you should freeze her before, or try to have some conversation.)
I use it mostly to cut chips off concrete-hard mountain cheese. Full of flavour, delicious!
So, all you need this time is this putty knife and a dremel or other speedcutting stuff.
To make what? To make a tool to survive in the gastronomic jungle: The Putty Peeler! Made in a few minutes, nice & effective: with this tool you can slice almost everything in regular chips without the loose of gallons of blood, fingers or whatever. It's the knife that strikes over the product, not vice versa. I picked the basic idea in a cheese factory in the mountains. The brains were not mine...
Wanne peel cucumber? You'll do it!
Wanna peel potatoes? You'l do it!
Wanna slice carrots? You'll do it!
Wanna make potato chips? Just do it!
Wanna reduce your stepmother in tiny slices? Go for it! (Maybe you should freeze her before, or try to have some conversation.)
I use it mostly to cut chips off concrete-hard mountain cheese. Full of flavour, delicious!
Cut Your Putty

Choose a putty knife, they exist in a large number of sizes and are used by painters to plaster walls etc.
Cut a U-section in the base of the delta, with the base of the U towards the handle.
Wear safety googles!
Cut a U-section in the base of the delta, with the base of the U towards the handle.
Wear safety googles!
Fold & Sharpen

Fold the inside of the U downwards with pliers. The angle depends on the thickness of the slices you want. Mine is something like 3mm (0.1 inch).
Fold the whole base of the knife upwards. This will permit you to slice more easy.
Sharpen with a dremel.
Fold the whole base of the knife upwards. This will permit you to slice more easy.
Sharpen with a dremel.

Well, enjoy it and thanx for whatching!