The Perfect PP&J

Would you be surprised if I told you the worst way to make a PP&J is with 2 pieces of bread? The best and only way is to make it with 3 pieces of bread. The problem with people today is not knowing how to make a PP&J that's good. I'm going to show you how to make a great PP&J.
Butter knife
Peanut butter
Bread and Butter

Get three pieces of bread, butter, and your toaster. Toast your bread for 1 and a half minutes. After the bread is toasted, put a light layer of butter on the toasted bread.
Adding the P and J

Get your bread with butter and apply a layer of peanut butter to all 3 pieces. On the same side as the peanut butter add your jelly.
The Third Layer

Get 2 of your peanut butter and jelly and put them together. On one side of the 2 layered PP&J add a light layer of peanut butter and jelly and finally add the last piece of bread.