The Occupation Board
by PaceOccupationalTherapy in Living > Health
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The Occupation Board

The purpose of the Occupation Board is to help sequence ADLs and daily routines. The components of the board are as follows:
Recipes: These recipes consist of simple, few-step directions that promote safety and allow for occupational participation.
Notes: This memo board allows for an individual to write notes and have reminders.
Calendar: This calendar is a reminder of any important dates or appointments.
Wallet: This basket is for any essential items to be a reminder if they are leaving the house.
Hooks: These hooks are for mask, keys, and emergency contacts that can remind and individual to take before leaving the house.
Pouch: This pouch can be used to remember and hold bills or receipts.
Meds: There is a medication management box for AM and PM medicine with the days labeled clearly for the individual.

First, recipes were created, typed, printed, and glued to index cards with key-rings attached to the corners.

Secondly, all materials were laid out and adjusted to their correct locations on the tri-fold poster board.
Materials Included:
- Index Cards
- Memo Pad
- Whiteboard Markers
- Calendar
- Basket
- Hooks
- Pouch
- Pill Organizers

Then, all materials were glued to the poster board using the glue gun and the recipe cards were hung on the command hooks. Symbols were then printed, cut, and placed into the goal board cells.
Additional Device

Lastly, voice recordings were recorded to each individual cell on the device to assist with sequencing.
This device can be used in addition to the Occupation Board for the individual to be cued and reminded throughout the day. It consists of 3 morning reminders, 1 afternoon reminder, and 3 night reminders.
Additional Device: Enabling Devices, Seven Messages Take N’ Talk Goal Board
Morning (1): "Good morning! Help yourself to a recipe located under breakfast."
Morning (2): "Find the day of the week on the calendar and take all AM medications in the light green medication box."
Morning (3): "Check the calendar for any appointments or special dates. If you are heading out of the house remember special items such as wallet, mask, and keys located in the basket and on the hooks."
Afternoon (1): "Help yourself to a recipe located under lunch."
Night (1): "Help yourself to a recipe located under dinner."
Night (2): "Find the day of the week on the calendar and take all PM medications in the dark green medication box."
Night (3): "Remember to lock all doors and start your nighttime routine. Remember to replace the cards on the board for tomorrow."