The Huge Black Spider

by SpecificLove in Living > Halloween

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The Huge Black Spider

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The Huge Black Spider

With Halloween here, I wanted to make something Awesome for Fall Festival.

So I created this HUGE spider to give everyone a little surprise as they arrive.

This was a fun and easy DIY project to make.

The only time consuming part was letting the paint and glue dry between stages.


Watch the Video version with extra tips, follow link:


Just remember that PVC is only a form of hard plastic. It can and will break if too much weight or force is applied and injuries can occur. Use of content for personal projects is at your own risk.

Gather the Parts and Tools

Gather the Parts and Tools

Parts List: (All PVC 1/2 inch pipe and fittings)

- (4) 4-way cross

- (1) tee connector

- (9) 90 degree elbow

- (20) 45 degree elbow

- (17) 1.25-inch long pipe

- (1) 2-inch long pipe

- (1) 4-inch long pipe

- (1) 6-inch long pipe

- (24) 18-inch long pipes

- (2) Black Cable tie

- (1) 12-inch Balloon (Might need more - They are fun to pop!)

- Painter’s Tape

- Red Spray Paint

- Clear Spray Paint

- Flat Black Spray Paint – Find on Amazon: (affiliate link)

- Red LED Christmnas Lights (Battery-operated) - Find on Amazon: (affiliate link)

- Black Yarn - Find on Amazon: (affiliate link)

- Mod Podge – Find on Amazon: (affiliate link)

- Heavy Duty PVC Cement - Find on Amazon: (affiliate link)

Tools List:

- PVC Cutters – Find on Amazon: (affiliate link)

- Large bowl

Starting the Body

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Starting the Body

First lay out the 4 cross connectors together with a 45 degree elbow on each side (8 elbows).

Then glue all of these pieces together using some 1.25 inch long pipes and PVC cement.

Make sure all 45 degree elbows are facing straight up as possible.

PVC Cement will lock the pipes together FAST, so make sure the angles are correct before combining.

Small imperfections are workable.

Let the glue to dry fully.

On the front of the body, add a tee, two 90 degree elbows and two end caps all being connected with 1.25-inch long pipes.

Theses with be the eyes.

DO NOT glue them.

On the back of the body, add a 90 degree elbow facing up.

Preparing the Legs

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Preparing the Legs

It is now time to cut the legs.

The black widow spider has three segments per leg, so 24 pipes are needed.

Measuring and cutting these pipes to 18 inches allow this spider to be very large.

To make the legs easier to see, I used shorter pipes in some of the pictures.

The front legs can be setup in two ways, the walking placement or the attack formation.

Refer to the pictures to decide which is right for you.

I used the attack formation, but if you prefer walking, you will need to change two of the elbows in the front legs.

Refer to the pictures.

The six back legs need one 90 degree elbow and one 45 degree elbow each.

The front two legs need two 45 degree elbows.

After test fitting, glue each of the legs together.

DO NOT glue the legs to the body!

It is best to leave the legs removable for transport and storage.

Let the cement fully dry.

Making the Abdomen

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Making the Abdomen

Most spiders have a large abdomen and so will this one.

The abdomen needs to be lightweight so using yarn and Mod Podge was chosen.

First inflate a 12-inch balloon until it is about to pop.

This will usually be bigger than 12 inches.

Hang the balloon from something and let it free swing.

Mix the Mod Podge in a 50/50 solution with water to make it easier to work with.

Slowly dip the yarn into the mixture and apply in one continuous strand onto the balloon making sure to crisscross in several directions.

This is can be a sticky mess, so be prepared.

The more layers applied, the stronger the shell will be.

Leave a small hole about 2-3 inches wide on one side near the mouthpiece of the balloon.

Once complete, the yarn will take several hours to dry, possibly 48 hours.

Once the shell is fully dry, you can pop the balloon.

Next use several layers of Clear spray paint to coat the abdomen fully.

This will help protect it from the elements and give it additional strength.

Let the paint dry.


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While the Abdomen dries, it is now time to paint the body and legs.

The body and legs need several coats of Flat Black paint.

Let the paint dry fully between coats to prevent runs.

Once the body is dry, use some painter’s tape around the backs of the eyes and paint the front of them RED.

The red allows them to look aggressive.

Attaching the Abdomen

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Attaching the Abdomen

To attach and hold the abdomen to the rear, a tail section needs to be assembled.

Connect a 6 inch pipe, 45 degree elbow, 2 inch pipe, 45 degree elbow and 4 inch pipe. Refer to picture.

Coat the tail in a single layer of black paint.

The tail will be covered, so this paint job is for masking the white of the pipe.

Once dried, place the tail (6 inch pipe side) into the elbow on the back side of the body.

Before attaching the abdomen, add the red LED lights to the inside via the 2-3 inch hole.

The battery pack will be held on the outside.

Carefully slide the tail into abdomen, resting the abdomen onto the tail.

Attach the battery pack to the underside of the body with a black cable tie.

Use a single black cable tie to hold the shell to the pipe tail.

Traveling and Display

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Traveling and Display

If you need to take the spider in a car, just remove the legs and abdomen before traveling to prevent damage.

When displaying, remember to turn on the LED lights.

They look even better at night.

The legs are also easy to bump into, but that is great because the entire body shakes making it look alive.

Have fun and enjoy.

Remember to Watch the Video version with extra tips, follow link: