The Ultimate Power Puff Trap

Recently our teacher challenged us to make an Easter bunny trap, the instructions were to build it out of materials like cardboard and it must include three simple machines like an inclined plane,lever,or a wedge.
As a kid we always thought of meeting a mythical creature or person whether that be santa, a unicorn,tooth fairy, or even the easter bunny. This led to us creating a trap to lure the easter bunny in so we can finally fulfill that longing to see something cool and get some treats. We got the design of this trap solely from our brains combining together to make the ULTIMATE BUNNY TRAP!

Medium size box 4 pieces of cardboard
Duct tape
A small strip of cardboard
Small pieces of cardboard

Install a Piece of Cardboard Inside of the Box With Tape on Both Sides
Top Part

Add a Large Piece of Cardboard on Top of the Box Inside

Curl Up a Piece of Cardboard and Something to Hold It Up

Add a Wedge That Holds Up the Top
How the Top Will Be Closed

Put Tape on the Ruler and Attach It to a String Which Is Taped to the Ground

Add Sides to Keep It Secured

The Bait We Provided