Teeny Tiny Rocket Engine

by killerjackalope in Outside > Rockets

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Teeny Tiny Rocket Engine

"Adam you never cease to make me feel like my brain is about to fall out my ears lol you're never just like reading a book" 

A text I received after telling Sammi what I did today. This is what I did today. 

I am unsure why I did this or what purpose, if any it could serve. It does propel itself in a direction, though it more or less explodes forward it does do it's job, it went straight across, hit the counter, leaving a small mark and then back in to the depths of the kitchen. It may have surprised my housemate a little, probably should have told him why he was lighting my match... 

First issue, propellant? I reckon Swan matches, they're pretty bad because they light slower than most. Seems like it's about the right mix of burny but not explodey... 

Wait what will I use as the body? More to the point where did this idea even come from if the propellant was the first question? This is some kind of bizarre causation loop in my head. 

Anyway I realized an earring back might work, the end of the casing is about the size I'd expect for the nozzle. (I did no science here, I just decided this) I didn't figure out the capping of the other end until later. 


Oh stop. This is dangerous, grinding up matches is a logically foolish activity that may lead to burns, break up small amounts at a time to stop it from being a little surprise instead of a burnt hand. Lighting this thing might go badly. Cover your eyes and in general constructing it may be a danger - take care. 

Tools and Materials

You'll need: 


 - Pliers
 - A knife
 - A Card
 - A hard surface

 - Matches (Keep the box handy too) 
 - An earring back, clutch back that is, see photos. 

Prepare the Casing

Remove the end cap of the earring back. 

Remove the inner plastic clutch (this still works as a back) 

To remove it get a drawing pin or nail and push it in to the inner hole, then pull it out, the object just needs to be thicker than the earring pins that went through it before. 

Prepare the Match Head Propellant

This is relatively simple, but inherently dangerous with strike anywhere matches. 

NO metal on metal or stone on stone. 

I used an upended ashtray (glass) and chopped the stuff up as well as I could with a knife. 

Next I used my old tech card to finely chop it repeatedly. This worked nicely. 

The technique is the same as you might use with certain illicit substances, but slightly rougher. 

It doesn't need to be powdered, just fairly fine, like granulated sugar is enough. 

Loading the Powder

Poke a hole in the match box and press the empty casing in to it - it'll hold it until it's nearly finished. 

I used a scalpel as a teeny little spade. 

You carefully fill the casing, start with a few lumps, to stop the finer stuff falling out the bottom. 

As you go use the end of match (not the head) to tamp it down. 

By the end you want it to be thoroughly packed in, to essentially be solid. 

Leave at least a millimetre between the end and the powder. 

Cut Capping Piece

This doesn't entirely cap the thing, it's just there to help on sealing the end. 

Cut a small rough circle that drops in on top of the propellant, it should pretty much fill the end over. 

Seal the End

To seal the end fold the rim over inwards with pliers. 

Now carefully squeeze the lip flat. 

Bend it over a little and squeeze again. 

Repeat this a few times. 

You'll need to squeeze hard to seal it up, by the end it should look like a single piece of metal. 

I wouldn't do this in a vice unless it's small and fairly easy to be accurate with.

Launch It...

I bent a beer cans pull ring in to a stand for firing the rocket...

Then lit it...