Tasty and Crispy Jackfruit Chips

by antoniraj in Cooking > Snacks & Appetizers

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Tasty and Crispy Jackfruit Chips


Jackfruit Chips is one of the famous snack foods in South India, made by deep frying half-ripe flesh of the jackfruit. This is a very tasty, crispy and healthy snack food, which can be stored in air-tight containers for a long time.

Here is the recipe...

The Jackfruit


You need to select a jackfruit, which is fully matured but only half-ripe. This one you are seeing here is harvested from our home garden. If you keep this in a warm place for a few more days, you will get fully-ripe sweet jackfruit fleshes.

Harvest the Flesh


You need a sharp knife to harvest the flesh. The whole jackfruit is full of white, sticky latex. So use any cooking oil liberally on your hands and knife before starting. Also, place an old news paper below the fruit to prevent the latex sticking to your work area.

Using the oiled knife, split open the jackfruit and remove the flesh one by one.  Oil your hands and knife from time to time to prevent the latex from sticking.

Store the waste in a separate container or on any old news paper. Do not dump it on the floor. It is very difficult to clean the mess later on. You can dispose off the waste or make compost for the garden.

Remove Seeds


Split open each flesh of fruit and remove the seeds. Store the unseeded fruits separately

Make Slices


Using your kitchen knife make longitudinal thin slices of the fruit.

Add Turmeric


Add about a tea-spoon of turmeric powder over the slices and mix well. Keep aside this mix for about five to ten minutes.

Oil for Deep Frying


Traditionally, the Jackfruit chips are deep fried using coconut oil. (You can use any cooking oil).

You need about half a liter of coconut oil for deep frying. Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat.

Deep Fry the Jackfruit Slices


When the oil is hot enough, add the jackfruit slices and deep fry. Stir from time to time to prevent the slices from sticking together. When the slices are fully fried, remove using a strainer and transfer them to a paper napkin or over a piece of banana leaf.

Serve With Sauce


Sprinkle salt over the fried jackfruit slices. Serve with tomato sauce or chili sauce.

The deep fried jackfruit slices can be stored in air-tight container for a long time.