"TUBEY 2.0" the Toothpaste Squeezer
by funtogether in Living > Life Hacks
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"TUBEY 2.0" the Toothpaste Squeezer

Toothpaste tubes are just plain irritatin'. They cling to the last vestiges of the toothpaste they contain, and refuse to release it into the freedom of the outer world. Fortunately, I made this instructable telling how to fix the problem of the last, remaining, un-relinquishing toothpaste. This tutorial is built off of the same concept, but combines the idea with the most used tooth cleaning tool of all time. The toothbrush.
I hope you enjoy this instructable. Thanks!
What You'll Need

- Toothbrush
- Hacksaw
- Vice Clamp
- Razor Blade
- A Sharpie
Making the "TUBEY" 2.0

Mark a 2" line down the center of the non-brush end of your toothbrush. Clamp the toothbrush in the vice with the marked end facing up. Using the hacksaw, cut along the marked line. You should be able to fit a toothpaste tube in the aforementioned cut.
Finishing the "TUBEY" 2.0

Use your razor blade to shave off any extra plastic particles. When you're finished, the end of the toothbrush should look and feel clean.
Using the "TUBEY" 2.0

Insert the end of your toothpaste tube into the "squeezer." Pull the tube through the slot until all of the toothpaste is pushed toward the dispensing end.
Enjoy your "TUBEY" 2.0! Please comment and tell the instructable community how you made it better! Thanks!