Sweet Bacon Wrapped Smokies
by craftknowitall in Cooking > Bacon
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Sweet Bacon Wrapped Smokies

Here in the USA, we have a meat product call “Little Smokies”. They are little, 2 bite size smoked sausages. We eat them for snacks on special occasions. About 6 months ago I made this version for the first time, and my hubby loved them. I cut the brown sugar back a whole bunch on that first batch, because my hubby is diabetic. Oh my word they are good. I saw them the first time on Facebook, and my daughter made and enjoyed them and told me about them before I made my first batch. This is one way to make a batch of Sweet Bacon Wrapped Smokies.

- 1 package raw bacon
- 1 package of Little Smokies
- 2 cups brown sugar
- ½ cup butter- melted
- Sharp knife
- Backing dish
- 375° F oven,
- Toothpicks
- Measuring cup
- Spoon

Preheat the oven to 375° F. Cut open the package of bacon

and cut it into thirds.

Cut open the package of Little Smokies. Wrap a piece of bacon around each Little Smokie,

then place in the baking dish.

My Hubby is diabetic, so I used 2 baking dishes and divided the smokies evenly between the two dishes.

Once all the smokies are wrapped, take brown sugar

and spread it over all the smokies in baking dish. I spread 1 cup over my dish of smokies and the spread a scant 2 Tbsp. of brown sugar over my Hubby’s dish. You can tell by looking which is which.

Pour the melted butter over all the smokies. I think next time I will skip the butter all together. Bacon and Smokies have enough fat without adding more. Place the baking dish in the oven and set the timer for 20 minutes.

There they are, they look as GOOD as they taste.

Toothpicks provide an easy way to serve each smokie (my Hubby just used a fork). Oh they are good. Not something I would make every day (too much fat and sugar) but for those special times, this would be GREAT! Enjoy!