Stump Throne

Stumps are great stuff. They're beautiful, they're heavy (at least the heavier ones, I don't know exactly about the lighters), they're incredibly useful (even the lightest), and they're free (you just have to be organised, and fast).
Last time I got a few poplar stumps from a friend (really!) and we used them as cheap furniture around the barbeque. Since they're already starting to rot at the base, and since it's been raining almost the whole weekend - the perfect workshop time! - I decided to do some upgrading.
I started to raise them, just the way I did here, and from then on my inspiration of the day guided my hands.
How poetic.
Enjoy this very easy build. All you need is a stump (no kidding), some branches, a handful screws, a nice cup of coffee and a few hours of spare time. For one piece, wellunderstood.
You know, a stump at itself is already a pure joy to sit on, but you'll discover soon that this build is more than double joy. This stump deluxe feels like sitting on a nest kittens. But without the screaming.

- debark
- put the stump downside up
- use clock-drill and chisel to make three holes (slightly angled)
- cut a pole in three and insert the three legs in the holes
- screw them (no structural screwing), just to prevent them from wobbling too much
- link the legs with a few smaller branches, these will immobilize the whole
- put the stump back on its legs
- have a beer
Be a pro:
- use linseed oil to lubrificate the clock-drill AND the screws
- predrill your holes
- use inox-screws (I didn't, sorry)
- countersink the screw-heads
- use the natural shape of the wood as much as you can

- organise some wastewood or branches (I used leftovers from last winters hilarious hazel harvest)
- start screwing them like, well, like I did (I really don't know how to say this in words, the concept is that the back leans a bit backwards)
- saw the excess at the end of the story
- feed the cat, otherwise he'll just won't let you continue

What's the difference between a stump and a stump deluxe?
A footrest, definitely. A footrest is the feature what makes you feel comfortable and relax. You need one.
- two poles: screw them to the bottom of the stump
- third pole: screw it to the two others

Time to put this heavy piece of art where you want it to be. It looks nice, already, but there's something missing.
Time to cut a fresh branch and screw it to the back-top. Bend it gently, screw it gently.
And enjoy my new kuksa! Olive wood, strong coffee. ;)

The weather cleared out just in time. Showtime!
Hope you like it, and I'm looking forward to your builds!
Thanx for watching!