Stamped Fox Tote Bag

It's super easy to make this stamp, and even easier to use it to decorate all kinds of things! I've already used it to liven up a boring canvas tote bag for groceries, as well as an envelope and some thank you notes. My next step is to use the same motif as the tote bag to make some home made wrapping paper for birthdays and holiday gifts!
Gather Supplies

Hint: This is easiest if you already have a basic stamp carving kit, or go out and get one. (They are cheapest if you order them online)
-carving tool
-stamp material, for example linoleum or rubber
-ink (In this case, fabric ink since I am using a tote bag. Fabric ink is higher quality and therefore more expensive than ink that is just meant for paper. It won't wash out in the wash.)
-Container to roll ink with
-surface to decorate: in my case, I used a tote bag and a plain envelope
-carving tool
-stamp material, for example linoleum or rubber
-ink (In this case, fabric ink since I am using a tote bag. Fabric ink is higher quality and therefore more expensive than ink that is just meant for paper. It won't wash out in the wash.)
-Container to roll ink with
-surface to decorate: in my case, I used a tote bag and a plain envelope
Make Stamp

It's best to stick to a fairly simple design for the stamp. Remember that where you cut in will stay blank, and where you make no cuts will get inked up later. I find it helpful to draw my design onto the stamp before I begin cutting.
Ink Up and Stamp Away!

Stamp away! I have found that different materials require different amounts of ink, depending on how fibrous or porous the material is. For instance, my canvas tote bag needed a ton of ink, whereas paper requires much less. Just play around and test things out until you find a good balance.
Helpful Hints

Helpful hints: to make fabric prints permanent and washable, be sure to turn them inside out and iron them after they finish drying. Alternatively, some people on the Internet use a hairdryer instead. I haven't tried this out, but it could work I guess! When cleaning these items, wash them inside-out so that the color lasts as long as possible.