Spud Gun That Can Shoot Bb's Too
by DEEJAY642 in Outside > Launchers
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Spud Gun That Can Shoot Bb's Too

Have you ever wanted to have a bb gun but your not allowed? then this is the perfect answer. Always take care when using this because it is very powerful and can put dents in walls SO DO NOT SHOOT IT AT PEOPLE OR ANIMALS AS IT COULD CAUSE SERIOUS HARM. I am not responsible for any damage caused by this so take care.
What You Will Need

You will need:
- An 8mm wide and 20cm long approx metal pipe/straw
- An empty pill bottle
- A firelighter with a trigger
- A drill
- A hot-glue gun
- Side cutters or long nosed pliers
Drilling the Holes and Gluing It Together

Get the drill and fit an end that fits your metal pipe perfectly then drill a hole in the lid of the pill container. Then do the same on the bottom for your firelighter ( you may need to change the drill bit). Once you have done this then glue them inside the holes and make sure you seal off any gaps. Get your side cutters or long nosed pliers and partly squash the metal tube to prevent the bb from falling into the pill container.

Get some deodorant and spray it into the pill container for 1 second then blow into it for another second, load a bb into the barrel, screw the lid on and fire! (I used Lynx and that worked really well but the Nivea I wouldn't recommend)