Sonos Play:1 Adjustable Wall Mount
by heli__guy in Workshop > Home Theater
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Sonos Play:1 Adjustable Wall Mount

I wanted to mount my Sonos Play:1 on the wall and be able to adjust it laterally and also be able to tilt it downwards.
Such mounts can be purchased but I find them overpriced, costing over $50: Flexson SONOS PLAY:1 Wall Mount - Single - White
I decided to make my own, it literally cost me nothing as I had some leftover aluminum parts and screws from other projects.
See attached Sketchup model file Sonos 1 Wall Mount (Full Measurements).skp with all measurements.
Here are the materials you'll need:
- Aluminum bar: ¾" × ½" × 5" (This will be cut into 4 parts). I got these from a local metal supply store. But you might be able to find these at Home Depot.
- Aluminum bar: ½" × ½" × 1½" (you can also use ¾" × ½" × 1½", same dimensions as bar in item #1 but lateral swing range might be a little limited)
- ¼-20 × ¾" screw, I used socket cap screw.
- 6-32x1" countersunk screws (Qty: 6)
- 10-24x1" countersunk screws (Qty: 2)
- Drill press (not mandatory, but highly recommended)
- Drill press vice/clamp (not mandatory, but highly recommended)
- Centre Punch+ Hammer (used to mark drill points)
- Tap Wrench
- 6-32 Tap
- 10-24 Tap
- Hacksaw
- Bench-top vice (not mandatory, but highly recommended)
Drill Bits
- 1/16" (used to start drilling after marking with hammer and centre punch)
- 7/64" (6-32 tap pilot hole)
- 9/64" (6-32 through hole)
- 5/32" (10-24 tap pilot hole)
- 13/64" (10-24 through hole)
- 17/64" (¼-20 through hole)
- Countersunk
Part 1

- Cut aluminum bar to 1½" length (dimensions ¾" × ½" × 1½")
- Mark and punch 3 holes.
- Start drilling each hole with 1/16" drill bit, about ⅛" depth, this helps get the hole location more precise.
- Then drill the 3 holes:
- The smaller 2 holes are through holes for 6-32 screws. Use 9/64" drill bit then countersunk drill bit.
- The larger hole is through hole for the ¼-20 speaker mounting screw, use 17/64" drill bit
Part 2

- Cut the aluminum bar to 1" length
- Mark and centre punch the 3 holes. In case measurements are not clear, all hole are entered along the ¼" line from the top/bottom edges. The two smaller holes are 3/16" from the edges. The larger hole is ¼" from the edge.
- Start drilling the 3 holes with 1/16"
- Then continue with the other drill bits.
- The larger hole is a 10-24 pilot hole for tapping so use 5/32" drill bit
- The smaller 2 holes are 6-32 pilot holes for taping, so use 7/64" drill bit.
- Tap the 3 holes
- Don't forget to start with the tapered tap, then redo the hole with the plug tap
- Use cutting oil to reduce friction otherwise taps might break
- When tapping, back off about ½ a turn for every turn, this clears the burrs
- If resistance get's high, remove tap from hole, clean hole with compressed air and continue tapping
Part 3

- Cut Aluminum bar to 1½" length so it's dimensions are ½" × ½" x 1½" (You can also use the ¾" aluminum bar, so it's dimensions will be ¾" × ½" × 1½").
- Mark and centre punch the 3 holes. In case measurements are not clear, all holes are entered along the ¼" longitude axis. The larger hole is ¼" from the edge. The smaller hole is 3/16" from the edge and the 2ⁿᵈ smaller hole is ⅜" from the first smaller hole.
- Start drilling them with 1/16" drill bit (just ⅛" depth) to make drilling the larger diameters easier.
- Drill and countersink the 3 holes.
- The larger hole is for the tilting hinge, so needs a through hole for the 10-24 screw, use 13/64" drill bit.
- The two smaller holes are for attaching to the lateral swivel hinge, so these should be through holes for 6-32 screws, use 9/64 drill bit.
- Note, this part can be assembled on either side of the wall mount, it can moved to accommodate swivelling the speaker laterally in either direction.
Part 4

- Cut the Aluminum bar to ¾" length.
- Mark and centre punch holes. Centre of single larger hole can be found by drawing two diagonal lines.
- Smaller holes are entered along the ¼" line, and 3/16" from the edges.
- Two smaller holes are 7/64" for tapping 6-32 screws.
- Larger hole is a through hole for 10-24 screw so use 13/64" drill bit and then countersink.
- Assemble to other mount components.
Part 5

- Cut the aluminum bar to 1½" length.
- Mark and centre punch holes, then drill with 1/16" drill bit, just ⅛" depth.
- Smaller holes are pilot holes for tapping 6-32, use 7/64" drill bit. They're ¼" from top edge, and 3/16" from side edges.
- Larger hole will be tapped with 10-24, use 5/32" drill bit. It's ⅜" from edge and side.
- Tap larger hole with 10-24
- Tap smaller hole with 6-32
- Assemble to other mount components.
Part 6

- Cut the aluminum bar to 3" length.
- Mark and centre punch holes, then drill with 1/16" drill bit.
- The two hole in the centre are countersunk through holes for 6-32 screws, so use 9/64" drill bit. These are 7/16" from side edges, and 1½" from the top/bottom edges.
- The other two holes are for mounting the mount on the wall, so use 3/16" drill bit. They're ⅜" from top/bottom edges and are entered ⅝" from long edges.
- Mount the component on to the other mount components.