Sonos Play:1 Adjustable Wall Mount

by heli__guy in Workshop > Home Theater

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Sonos Play:1 Adjustable Wall Mount

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I wanted to mount my Sonos Play:1 on the wall and be able to adjust it laterally and also be able to tilt it downwards.

Such mounts can be purchased but I find them overpriced, costing over $50: Flexson SONOS PLAY:1 Wall Mount - Single - White

I decided to make my own, it literally cost me nothing as I had some leftover aluminum parts and screws from other projects.

See attached Sketchup model file Sonos 1 Wall Mount (Full Measurements).skp with all measurements.

Here are the materials you'll need:

  1. Aluminum bar: ¾" × ½" × 5" (This will be cut into 4 parts). I got these from a local metal supply store. But you might be able to find these at Home Depot.
  2. Aluminum bar: ½" × ½" × 1½" (you can also use ¾" × ½" × 1½", same dimensions as bar in item #1 but lateral swing range might be a little limited)
  3. ¼-20 × ¾" screw, I used socket cap screw.
  4. 6-32x1" countersunk screws (Qty: 6)
  5. 10-24x1" countersunk screws (Qty: 2)


  1. Drill press (not mandatory, but highly recommended)
  2. Drill press vice/clamp (not mandatory, but highly recommended)
  3. Centre Punch+ Hammer (used to mark drill points)
  4. Tap Wrench
  5. 6-32 Tap
  6. 10-24 Tap
  7. Hacksaw
  8. Bench-top vice (not mandatory, but highly recommended)

Drill Bits

  1. 1/16" (used to start drilling after marking with hammer and centre punch)
  2. 7/64" (6-32 tap pilot hole)
  3. 9/64" (6-32 through hole)
  4. 5/32" (10-24 tap pilot hole)
  5. 13/64" (10-24 through hole)
  6. 17/64" (¼-20 through hole)
  7. Countersunk

Part 1

Part 1.png
Part 1a.png
Part 1b.png
  1. Cut aluminum bar to 1½" length (dimensions ¾" × ½" × 1½")
  2. Mark and punch 3 holes.
  3. Start drilling each hole with 1/16" drill bit, about ⅛" depth, this helps get the hole location more precise.
  4. Then drill the 3 holes:
    1. The smaller 2 holes are through holes for 6-32 screws. Use 9/64" drill bit then countersunk drill bit.
    2. The larger hole is through hole for the ¼-20 speaker mounting screw, use 17/64" drill bit

Part 2

Part 2.png
Part 2a.png
Part 2b.png
  1. Cut the aluminum bar to 1" length
  2. Mark and centre punch the 3 holes. In case measurements are not clear, all hole are entered along the ¼" line from the top/bottom edges. The two smaller holes are 3/16" from the edges. The larger hole is ¼" from the edge.
  3. Start drilling the 3 holes with 1/16"
  4. Then continue with the other drill bits.
  5. The larger hole is a 10-24 pilot hole for tapping so use 5/32" drill bit
  6. The smaller 2 holes are 6-32 pilot holes for taping, so use 7/64" drill bit.
  7. Tap the 3 holes
    1. Don't forget to start with the tapered tap, then redo the hole with the plug tap
    2. Use cutting oil to reduce friction otherwise taps might break
    3. When tapping, back off about ½ a turn for every turn, this clears the burrs
    4. If resistance get's high, remove tap from hole, clean hole with compressed air and continue tapping

Part 3

Part 3.png
Part 3a.png
Part 3b.png
  1. Cut Aluminum bar to 1½" length so it's dimensions are ½" × ½" x 1½" (You can also use the ¾" aluminum bar, so it's dimensions will be ¾" × ½" × 1½").
  2. Mark and centre punch the 3 holes. In case measurements are not clear, all holes are entered along the ¼" longitude axis. The larger hole is ¼" from the edge. The smaller hole is 3/16" from the edge and the 2ⁿᵈ smaller hole is ⅜" from the first smaller hole.
  3. Start drilling them with 1/16" drill bit (just ⅛" depth) to make drilling the larger diameters easier.
  4. Drill and countersink the 3 holes.
  5. The larger hole is for the tilting hinge, so needs a through hole for the 10-24 screw, use 13/64" drill bit.
  6. The two smaller holes are for attaching to the lateral swivel hinge, so these should be through holes for 6-32 screws, use 9/64 drill bit.
  7. Note, this part can be assembled on either side of the wall mount, it can moved to accommodate swivelling the speaker laterally in either direction.

Part 4

Part 4.png
Part 4a.png
Part 4b.png
  1. Cut the Aluminum bar to ¾" length.
  2. Mark and centre punch holes. Centre of single larger hole can be found by drawing two diagonal lines.
  3. Smaller holes are entered along the ¼" line, and 3/16" from the edges.
  4. Two smaller holes are 7/64" for tapping 6-32 screws.
  5. Larger hole is a through hole for 10-24 screw so use 13/64" drill bit and then countersink.
  6. Assemble to other mount components.

Part 5

Part 5.png
Part 5a.png
Part 5b.png
  1. Cut the aluminum bar to 1½" length.
  2. Mark and centre punch holes, then drill with 1/16" drill bit, just ⅛" depth.
  3. Smaller holes are pilot holes for tapping 6-32, use 7/64" drill bit. They're ¼" from top edge, and 3/16" from side edges.
  4. Larger hole will be tapped with 10-24, use 5/32" drill bit. It's ⅜" from edge and side.
  5. Tap larger hole with 10-24
  6. Tap smaller hole with 6-32
  7. Assemble to other mount components.

Part 6

Part 6.png
Part 6a.png
  1. Cut the aluminum bar to 3" length.
  2. Mark and centre punch holes, then drill with 1/16" drill bit.
  3. The two hole in the centre are countersunk through holes for 6-32 screws, so use 9/64" drill bit. These are 7/16" from side edges, and 1½" from the top/bottom edges.
  4. The other two holes are for mounting the mount on the wall, so use 3/16" drill bit. They're ⅜" from top/bottom edges and are entered ⅝" from long edges.
  5. Mount the component on to the other mount components.