Sode Dako Kite by Laverne and Shirley
by Mrskinner2015 in Outside > Kites
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Sode Dako Kite by Laverne and Shirley
As part of Mr. Skinner's Project Future class at Escalante Middle School, we made tissue paper kites, and wrote instructions to help other people make them too! This is our instructions to create a Sode Dako with a funny face.
Collect Supplies

In order to complete your Sode Dako kite, you will need;
1. 20x30 sheet of tissue paper of your choice
2. Scraps of tissue paper (preferably white and black)
3. Meter stick for measurements
4. Four bamboo spars (1- 12in. x 2mm, 2- 22in. x 2mm, 1- 32in. x 2mm)
5. Elmer's Glue all
7. Scissors
8. Roll of string
9. 3-4 binder clips
Fold Sheet in Half

Fold the sheet of tissue paper in half as shown so that the kite will be symmetrical on both sides. Use your binder clips to secure the paper in place. You will now begin to draw your measurements onto the tissue paper.
Measurement #1: At the top of your tissue paper where it is folded, measure down two inches from the crease and then measure across two inches and connect the tip of the paper crease to the line that was measured across two inches.
Measurement #2: From the end of the triangle you just created, measure outward eight inches or to the end of the tissue papaer and make a mark. Connect the mark to the bottom tip of the triangle
Measurement#3 From the mark you just made, measure down eight inches and make another mark. Connect these two lines.
Measurement #4: Measure inwards towards the crease five inches and make a mark.
Measurement #5: Measure downwards from the mark you just made nineteen inches, and make a mark. Connect that mark to the bottom fold/crease.
Cut Out Design

Do not unfold the tissue paper. Keep the binder clips on your tissue paper to prevent it from moving, now begin to cut out the measurements on your tissue paper. Be cautious of cutting carefully so that the kite will be symmetrical on both sides. You can also begin to cut out the details of your kite. Collect an item that is a circular shape, trace two white circles and one black circle, all of which are the same size(about three inches wide and tall). Now collect a smaller circular object to be the pupils of your kites eye(about one inch wide and tall).
Glue Your Spars

After you cut out your design, you will begin to use your wooden spars for structural support. The first wooden spar you will be using is your thirty-two inch spar. Use you meter stick to line up the top triangle of your kite to the bottom triangle of your kite, use the meter stick to make a straight line with the Elmer's glue all, then apply the wooden spar with about an inch on each end. Hold the spar in place for 60-90 seconds, make sure to apply pressure on ALL of the spar for guaranteed strength.
Do this again on the top and bottom of the "t" portion of your kite as shown in the images above. Make sure that you are using your twenty-two inch spars for this part of the kite, allow an inch to hang of the edge, same as the first spar and hold in place for 60-90 seconds applying pressure to ALL of the spar.
The last part of your kite will be the bottom of your kite at the triangle. The spar will be applied horizontal to the triangle as shown in the image. Once again, allow and inch on either side and hold the spar in place for 60-90 seconds and allow to dry.

The decoration portion of your kite is fairly easy. Begin with the circular pieces that you cut our previous to this step. glue the smaller black circles onto the larger white circles and allow to dry. Once dried glue these pieces to your kite in the center of the "t'" portion and allow to dry. While the other pieces are drying, you may glue the larger black circle below the second spar in the center. While adding your decorations, you may also add reinforcements on any spars that overlap or need more paper support, as shown above.
Dihedral Flex

This next step is somewhat complicated, so listen carefully. In order to make the flex part of your kite that is needed in order for it to fly, begin by cutting a piece of string that is about three inches longer than one of your twenty-two inch spars. This will be the string that holds your flex in place. Tie one end of the string to one of the sides of your horizontal spars where there is a little extra spar, make sure to double knot it so that it doesn't untie. Now tie the other side to the opposite end of the spar. If the string does not create a bend in your kite wrap the string around the spar until there is a slight bend in your kite as shown above. Do this to all of your horizontal spars, making sure that the shortest spar has less flex than the two longer ones.

The last step to making your Sode Dako kite is the bridal. The bridal creates a slight angel at which the kite will fly and connects the kite to your string. Begin by measuring your kite with string and then doubling the length of the string. Tie one end of the string to the top of the kite where there is a little extra spar. Again make sure to double knot it so that it does not untie. Next poke two holes right above the second horizontal spar on either side of the vertical spar making sure that a string can fit through the holes without the tissue paper ripping. After you have done this, put the other end of the string through one hole and back out the other and tie a knot to secure the bridal.
Now grab the string and allow the kite to hang. When the kite is hanging adjust how it is hanging so that is has a slight angle facing upward, pinch the string together and tie a knot. Now that you have completed this step, you may attach your kites bridal loop to your string
Congratulations! You have finished your Sode Dako kite. Enjoy and have fun flying!