Small Basic Code

by arnavssgk4770 in Teachers > Coding

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Small Basic Code

Annotation 2021-12-03 120950.png
TextWindow.WriteLine("Enter the length of one side of square")
a = TextWindow.ReadNumber()
TextWindow.WriteLine("Enter the number 1 to find perimeter,number 2 for area and for both enter number 12")
b = TextWindow.ReadNumber()
If b = 1 Then
 TextWindow.WriteLine("The perimeter is" +a*4)
ElseIf b = 2 then
    TextWindow.WriteLine("The area is" +a*a) 
  ElseIf b = 12 then 
    TextWindow.WriteLine("The area is" +a*a)
    TextWindow.WriteLine("The perimeter is" +a*4)
   TextWindow.WriteLine("Enter a valid entry")

The code which is written above is of Microsoft Small Basic. This code is very special for me because this was the first-ever code I have written.

Line 1 Explanation

TextWindow.WriteLine("Write here the text which you have to print") This is the format used for printing some text So, I have written the instruction for inputting the one side of the square.

Line 2 Explanation

Variable Name = TextWIndow.ReadNumber() This is the format used for assigning a variable for inputting a number So, I have assigned variable A for inputting the side of the square.

Line 3 Explanation

In this line, I am printing instructions for what you have to find area, perimeter or both.

Line 4 Explanation

In this line, I am assigning Variable B for inputting a number to find what the user wants to find.

Line 5 Explanation

The If and Then the command is used for taking decisions So, I have written if b is equal to 1 then print perimeter = a*4.

Line 6 Explanation

The ElseIf command is used if the first statement does not satisfy then take this decision. So, I have written if b is equal to 2 then print area = a*a

Line 7 Explanation

In this line, I am again using ElseIf. So, I have written if b is equal to 12 then print perimeter = a*4 and area = a*a.

Line 8 Explanation

The Else command is used if any statement does not satisfy. So, if anyone does not enter a valid entry it prints Enter a valid entry.

Line 9 Explanation

The EndIf statement is used for ending the code. So, I have written this to end the program.


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The code explanation is done, I have it might help you to write your program on small basic too.