Single Person Mosquito Net


This mosquito shelter is made from a couple fiber glass rods, rope, and aluminum tubing. I bought 4 yards of mosquito mesh at Hancock Fabrics for about $20.00. It's an easy project and very simple to set up. No sewing required!
Fiber Glass Rod Protective Covering

Fiber glass rod is strong and flexible which is a must for this project. Problem is, you get invisible splinters from handing it. To fix that I gutted 3/8" rope and used the sheath to cover the rod. Next I sealed them in by crimping and melting the ends. Even better, they now fit snug into the tubes they'll go in.
Tent Pole Connectors

I got this aluminum tubing at Home Depot. I cut 4, 4" sections with a pipe cutter. Next I removed the burs with a file and drilled out a hole 10mm from the bottom edge.
Form Eyelets in the Stakes

I placed the hooked end of a stake in a vise and closed it along with a socket. This created the needed loop for the connectors. After slipping the hook on, I closed it the rest of the way. The tube should fold freely for storage.
Rope Rings

The ends of the shelter are gathered together and threaded through these rope rings. To make them I cut two 6" sections and fused the ends together with a torch. Make sure the stake is included in the loop.
Cut the Net to Length

I figured out the length by rounding my height up to the nearest foot and doubling it. This net is 12' long. So about 3' will hang over the supports on each side. Nothing fancy about cutting. Just a pair of scissors.
Set It Up

Hammer in the stakes as far apart as you are tall. Make sure they are close enough to form an arch with the fiber glass rods. Gather the ends of the net together and thread them through the rope rings. Anchor the ring stakes into the ground. Drape the net over and pull it tight. I used a constrictor knot and a fish bone to get the tension right.