Shooter Glass Grape Lamp

I'd like to dedicate this I'ble to my good friend Tarun Upadhyaya, to honor him with his Featured Author Contest.
Instead of doing my own stuff and making something that probably only me, myself and I would like, I've tried to put myself - for the first time in my life - in the head of another person, aka Tarun.
What I saw there scared me a lot. I even don't want to think about it again. And even less to tàlk about it.
Immediately I blamed plate tectonics by having driven the Indian subcontinent into Eurasia, crushing ocean floor, forming the Himalaya's AND creating a dry passage from India to Europe, my space. Knowing that Tarun could easily walk from Delhi to Belgium made me completely anxious.
Again, I became very, very scared - cold sweat and all that stuff. But, instead of trying to move to another continent to enlarge the distance between me and my friend, I decided to put thrust in friendship and to overcome my fears.
So I started drinking.
And writing this Instructable.
I know he loves colours, that he has a very creative mind, that he's inspired by nature - though he doesn't know it yet, and that he loves simple above too much too engineered.
So I came up with this very simple, colourful, and even Bricobart'ish project.
Enjoy, AND VOTE!!!
Gettin' Supplies

Making this lamp is really simple. You just need colourful shooter glasses and a handful of spots and compatible sockets.
As you see, the shooter glasses I used are bottom-less. That's because, in fact, they're just leftovers from another project. Yes Tarun, I made this lamp with rubbish. Colourful rubbish.
It sounded like a nice idea to me to turn these glass tubes into something that would take profit of their nice 'petaled' bottom. So I decided to transform them in a kind of flower-ish lamp.
Drilling Me Softly

Yep, that's the price to pay for this lamp. You'll have to start drilling...
Once the drilling's done, use some sanding paper to smoothen the drilled zone and clean it all properly.
Stick Together

In a previous contest I was happy to win this so called industrial 'E6000' super glue. Since I'm that kind of guy who never believes something untill he has tested it by his own - I did a lot of stuff that hurted very badly when I was a child, especially with my naive neighbour friends, haha - I waited for a good opportunity to put this glue to the test.
So I glued the glasses directly to the spots. No risk, no fun.
I'm satisfied. It actually glues glass to glass.
Grow That Grape

After a few hours the glue seemed to have cured and I assembled the whole, creating a kind of 'grape' with the spots linked together.
You don't need to use these speed connectors, common connectors will do the same job.
Leave a Light On

Put some music (yes I grew up in the eighties, and proud of it), have a good single malt, invite the dog in the couch, use some current and enjoy that colourful lamp you just made.
Hope you like this project as much as I do. It turned out a lot better than I expected. My opinion.
But I still blame those plate tectonics...