She Shed

Hello! My name is Dihllyn Feichtl and I have created a she shed perfect for anyone to have a get away right in your backyard. This small area is perfect to get work done and be in your own space. This place can also be your relaxation for the day or a place to have small gathering with family or friends. I have decided to make this because I believe a she shed or he shed is an ideal project for your home. Typically the she shed allows for women to get away from their hard working lives and have a space to do things they enjoy. When building a she shed this is a perfect time for one to create the aesthetic and vibe they want. This magical place is supposed to bring you happiness so of course you would want to style it your way. This small space could be what everyone is looking for. Most women dream of a she shed and a place to have alone time, so why not bring it to your backyard. Even though the she shed is designed for a women, a male can style the shed their own way and just like that it can be come a he shed.
- Revit 2025
- Cardboard
Define the Problem

For Step 1 I began by defining the problem. I needed to create a project that fit the requiremenmts for this contest while also being open minded. I needed to show how I create such a wide variety of ideas in a small area. I also needed my small project to make an large impact. This all needed to be figured out and completed by January 13th, 2025.
Collect Information

Step 2 was collect information. I browsed Pinterest and google for ideas. I took in ideas for the outside and iniside of my project. For each photo I copied I would right down each aspect I liked about the photo. I used this step to help me collect ideas of size and structure. This also gave me ideas for the decor and aestheitc I liked most.
Brainstorm and Analyze Ideas

Step 3 allowed me to use the informaton I collected and put it into my own design. I used a sketch book and drew multiple ideas for the inside and outside. I sketched ideas for items on the inside and the placement of those items. Once completed I choose the design structure I liked best and thought was most suitable.
Develop Solutions/ Build a Model

For this step I used my choosen ideas to construct further on from those ideas. I began to sketch out different plane views and develop ideas for measurements. At this point I began to construct a cardboard model.
Revit Model

After constructing my card board model I continued onto Revit. This perspective could help me and others get more of a realistic representation. For this step I added in the details to the shed to get the full picture of it. At this point I was done completing the model. This model was to show how I want the she shed to look and how I have designed it. The outside patio section can easily be filled with the type of hangout/ lounge furniture you would like.