
by ronshasni_hci_ma in Teachers > 10

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WhatsApp Image 2024-12-18 at 19.01.23.jpeg


This is an open source handbook for spatial collaborative game creation.

By Ron S, Amitay S, Amit P and Julia B

STLs on TinkerCad:


  1. 3D printer
  2. Computer
  3. Several spools of colored PLA Filament
  4. Superglue
  5. Cardboards
  6. Laser cutter
  7. Round Neodymium magnets - (we used 6mm diameter, 4mm high)


  1. Vinyl Cutter
  2. Vinyl sheets stickers

Make It Yourself

The object files attached can be used as reference, please feel free to create new shapes of your own and share it.

Things to keep in mind:

  1. The magnets has two poles - so be cautious when glueing them - meaning that the parts must be identical and manifest polarity in the same way, for example:
  2. Up should always be north and down - south.
  3. Opposite sides should have opposite magnetic poles.
  4. If having more then one magnet on same face of an object - have space between them and set them facing oposite poles - otherwise it will have narrow posibilities for connections.
  5. Try to have as less primitive shapes as possible.
  6. Magnets are better be anchored into holes with low tolerance in addiotion to being glued - In our example we used magnets with 6mm diameter and the holes are 6.4mm.

Game suggestions

Players: Two or more players or teams

Collaborative Play


Build parts of the whole and collaborate to connect it to a whole, and use the objects of your color to build part of the 3D shape shown in the card. Complete the shape faster than your opponents


Each player has his own color, and the pieces are delt as such. Each turn a card is pulled and the players assemble part of it, using the pieces of the color they hold, When finished they have to assemble the parts together to build the whole shape.

Design Shapes

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Design first draft

Split into groups and let the students create any objects that comes to mind - and then cut it into smaller primitives.

The main goal is to reduce the number of different primitives as possible

Position the Magnets

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WhatsApp Image 2024-12-12 at 19.48.49.jpeg

Got your designs? Great! Now it's time to add the magnet holes:

  1. Centered on face - try to avoid having holes on the edges.
  2. Low tolerance - the holes diameter should be the magnets diameter + the 3d printers accuracy (in our example the magnets diameters are 6mm and the printer accuracy is 0.4mm so the holes are 6.4mm)
  3. One hole on face

Design the Cards

Shape 13.png
Shape 1.png
Shape 9.png

While the shpes are being printed - its a good time to design your cards!

Use your shapes to reconstruct the whole objects and export it to svg for the vinyl cutter:

  1. Only the lines are important - the colors are determined by the vinyl you use.
  2. Its better to place the colored tiles first and above it the seperator line - that way the line hide small errors of positionning the vinyl tiles.

Glue the Magnets

final example.png

Its importent to keep the right polarity of the magnets for each face of the shape otherwise you'll get pieces that doesnt assemble into a whole.

Mark the poles in advance - N / S - and make sure that the parts are identical and manifest polarity in the same way, for example:

  1. Up should always be north and down - south.
  2. Opposite sides should have opposite magnetic poles.

If having more then one magnet on same face of an object - have space between them and set them facing oposite poles - otherwise it will have narrow posibilities for connections.

Finished? excellent! now stick the magnets into the holes and glue them!
