Secret Room

So, I found some unclaimed attic space in my son's room. The first attempt was to go through the closet and make it a Narnia door...
2nd Entrance

The second attempt was to cut through the wall and make a hidden passage way with a swinging mirror.
New Room

Recovered space: Add a carpet remnant, desk, light, etc. Just don't bump your head.
Closet Entrance

This entrance was a little difficult to get to because you had to constantly move the shirts out of the way.
Start of Mirror Door

So I ordered a large mirror after measuring the wall space.
Adding Hinges

Had to reinforce the edge with wood and epoxy, and countersink the hinges so the were not visible from the front of the mirror.
New Entrance Through Wall

Had to cut a rectangle. Start from the inside and work out. Leave a 2" margin all around perimeter.

Of course, had to modify the framing to eliminate a stud, and electrical outlet. Be sure to add king studs on the frame and beef up the header so the missing stud won't be a weak spot. Add some paneling and looking good.
Starting to Come Together

Reconfiguring the Supports

Attach the Hinges and Hang the Mirror.

Ta Da!

Stand back and admire your handiwork.